By John W. Lillpop

During the bloody war over increasing the federal debt ceiling, President Obama warned Americans that it was ‘Time to eat your peas,” a homey reminder of the difficult times and choices that this nation faces.

In delivering his jobs speech to a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday, Obama amplified on that theme with a slight twist: Time for recycled Peas, America!

As always, Obama was eloquent and passionate.

Regrettably, the president’s words, though terrific in terms of style and oratory flare, were more of the same, tired old liberal pap that has damn near destroyed the greatest nation in the world.

His words make it clear why America’s credit rating was downgraded for the first time in U.S. history.

His failure to face reality and assume a genuine leadership role explains why our nation has slipped to fifth place in competitiveness according to the World Economic Forum’s rankings.

For years, Obama has argued against the notion of American Exceptionalism. Through his failed policies, Obama appears to be making his point, much to the chagrin and detriment of 300 million Americans.

Despite the much-touted ‘Summer of Recovery’ and failed trillion-dollar stimulus, America continues to bleed jobs:

Ford Motors Company has announced a billion-dollar construction project—in India.

General Electric is moving headquarters of a highly-successful, medical-imaging business from Waukesha, Wisconsin, to China.

The U.S. Postal Service is on the brink of collapse and has plans to lay off 120,000 employees.

While a part of the USPS problem is the loss of business to the Internet, the major problem is employee costs mandated by labor agreements with labor unions.

And so it is all across America: Unreasonable pensions and labor costs demanded by labor unions are bankrupting government municipalities and private business alike, forcing hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work.

Why, then, did the president fail to challenge greedy unionized labor members to ‘pay their fair share?’

Why not propose a ‘windfall profits tax’ on obscene, unsustainable pensions that are wreaking economic havoc from coast to coast?

Then there is the president’s mindless pandering to illegal aliens, presumably to savor favor with Hispanics.

With 16-28 million Americas underemployed and or unemployed, why is this president working to stall, or eliminate, the removal of millions of aliens who have no moral or legal basis for being in America?

Why the push for a DREAM Act for illegals when so many American citizens are suffering so?

American taxpayers subsidize illegal aliens to the tune of more than $100 billion a year. Why in the hell does this president refuse to enforce the rule of law and spare taxpayers this outrageous expense?

Most importantly, this president has waged bloody war against private enterprise and capitalism since he took office in 2009. His bitter anti-business, anti-American rhetoric has caused people who hire employees to retreat in fear and uncertainty.

His stated desire to use government to bankrupt the coal industry is a chilling reminder of how out-of-touch this man is.

With all due respect, Mr. President, America deserves better than your ‘recycled peas’ offer.
And please do not waste time blaming the Tea Party, George W. Bush, the Japanese earthquake-tsunami, or any other party.!

Perhaps America’s return to a prosperity mindset will have to wait until our Marxist community organizer is returned to the streets of Chicago in 2012?
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