Obama Trampled on my Rights!

Obama trampled on my rights!  He used his Justice Department, paid for by our U.S. Dollars, to defend Cuba, a country on the list of terrorist nations, and against me, a U.S. citizen who was wronged on U.S. soil. This administration has no regard for the rights of U.S. citizens! Please read the letter that was published in The Miami Herald on February 23, 2012. http://ning.it/MjKuXH

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  • I knew that Obama had Communists ties, including in Cuba... but I never thought that it would come back to haunt us.  I now see that it has!  I pray for you!!!

  • Thank you so much, Robert!  Please do!  Blessings!!!

  • If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.  I'm spreading your story with all that I know!

  • You betcha!  :-)

  • Actually, most of the community has been very supportive, even some that are on the left.  Because it's a human story, it's something that could've happened to anyone, but it happened to me, and not only was I deeply affected (chronic PTSD), but so were my children.  The negative blogs that you see on the internet are all written by Cuban government collaborators.  Last year Discovery ID aired a mini-documentary on my story.  The series is entitled "Who the (Bleep) did I Marry?".  I understand they repeat it every so often.  It has also been translated and aired in many other parts of the world, so I receive fan mail from many countries. Lifetime Television will soon be airing a pilot of a new series entitled "My Life is a Lifetime Movie", which also narrates my story.

  • Thank you, Dave! I have been fighting this battle on my own for a very long time. It was difficult enough going against the Cuban government, and I certainly don't expect politicians to fight this battle fo me - there has to be something in it for them - but never expected our own government to use DOJ in favor of Cuba against it’s own citizen. That was devastating! I want Obama out of the White House because his agenda is anti-American, but he also made it personal. I wish that my testimony and what his administration has done in my particular case could somehow be used against him in this campaign.
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