“ Obama Wins ! Is The Answer Revolution, Civil War or Jesus ? “

“ Obama Wins ! Is The Answer Revolution, Civil War or Jesus ? “
So here we are....
Obama wins the Presidency of the United States Of America once again. As some blog article writers and journalists are already laying blame on Romney's failure to get in to the White House on such matters as “voter fraud”, the “new Black Panther group members”, the “Liberal media” and a whole host of other matters not the reason....Obama will remain the President of the so called United States of America. That is the bottom line....Obama remains and no one, but no one can change that fact, minus an act of God himself in removing him.
I know what I am about to share will turn a lot of people off but it all must be said. We must all now recognize that what the majority of American's wanted...they got it. Obama by cheating or in real votes -gained, has won. If there was cheating, lying and or voter fraud, very few are going to go after those who have violated the election laws. I haven't heard one Republican politician or legislator going after Obama in court trying to reverse the election decision, have you ? Nope, not a Obama is here to stay.
The reality is, while many Americans are walking around with our heads up our clouds, evil runs a muck. That's the problem here in the US of A, people who wanted to compromise and vote in their Mormon cult RINO lost and instead of doing what's right long ago in demanding a better run of candidates from the Republican Party elites, settled for evil. I mentioned this many times over well before the election and all I got was people mad at me and deleting me from being so called “friends” on social media sites. Well guess what, you can ignore all the Biblical Truth you want but that doesn't change what needed to be done then and what is needed now to clean up this nation.
That Biblical Truth I just mentioned---matters. We have three choices in getting this nation back as I ee it. First, we can either have a wide spread revolution against our evil and corrupt government, or secondly; we can have an outbreak of civil war... the US and it's State's Governments(a large percentage of the US Military)along with the Liberals, Communist and Socialists verses the Conservatives, True Christians and perhaps some Libertarians... both ideas resulting in many body bags filled or, the third and most effective way and by the far the most peaceful, we can get our nation back through repentance and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord/Saviour of our lives and King of our nation.
Killing one another is the easiest solution believe it or not. The ways of the “flesh” are always easiest. Practically anyone can pick up a gun and shoot it. It takes a man and woman of deep conviction as well as concern for more than “self” to say “I was doing life all wrong” then pick up the cross of Christ and follow Him. Yepper, that's the much harder route because “self” is put last, not first. In fact “self” is just what got this nation in trouble to begin with if Americans can ever get honest and real with them selves. Folks got dependent on political party's rather than Jesus Christ. There's a statement for you huh ? Guilty as charged ? Well---maybe you're not there yet.
My friends, forget about our National Anthem with the words; “...home of the brave.” The only brave people left in our nation are like the few in our military who still believe in God of the Bible, the men and women who have not divorced their spouses and the extreme few politicians who will not compromise on Biblical principles. There are not many of us brave souls left. Most Americans have compromised their Biblical beliefs(were they ever real Christians to begin with ?) and the day is becoming increasingly into night here and around the world. Folks who have been hiding in their church buildings for years will soon be dragged out to their death by the homosexuals, the socialists, or the police and our own US Military. Like wise,we will soon see Feminists cutting open pregnant women’s uterus' right out on the street killing unborn children and their mothers for all to witness, and peadophiles will be surely be granted lawful permission to grab and rape any child they want and any parent or adult trying to prevent it will be arrested and jailed on site by the police(for we know the vast majority of police love their paycheck much more than the US Constitution already).
Think that what I share here will never happen ? Then you are willfully blind as well as foolish. The day and hour of this nation already belongs to the devil-God allowed the hearts of Americans to keep evil Obama for God's purposes. You may enjoy Fox News or any number of so called “Conservative pundits” who write their journalistic opinions in various paper or on-line newspapers but they cannot rescue this nation nor give you proper perspective on why our nation is dying and how to really get America back. Ideas on how to gain our nation back from evil can all be floated around all day long, and they have been voiced over and over and over again up to this very day by many so called “conservatives” but the fact remains...unless that “idea” includes a 100 percent surrender to Jesus Christ, America will soon completely cease to exist.
Ask yourself today these series of important questions---Have we as American's not had enough of evil ? Have we not woken up to the idea that we really do need to do things God's way as He has commanded ? Has not America already suffered enough ? Can this nation really survive on humanistic and secular ideals ? Before you answer... first, take a good hard look at Europe. We are heading to be like the next Greece, the next France and Obama as well as his supporters will ensure that when they die, they will take all of us to the grave with them. Is that truly what you want America ??... to go to your grave and be dead forever ? I surely hope not but without Jesus Christ of the Bible(no, not as the false wolves you see so often on TV proclaim or perhaps attend and hear at their religious buildings currently), there is no hope.
I am in no way saying to put away our guns, not in protecting our children and family from evil but those efforts made are only with the flesh...carnal weapons. We all need to realize what will really work in getting America back... All must pick and choose Jesus Christ. If you so desire; continue to ignore me, hate me, delete me but you can't delete the Biblical Truth no matter how hard you try. Bible Scripture or American Founding father quotes on your “Facebook wall” is not going to do a dern thing seeing America restored. The bottom line is you have two choices in getting America back and it will take all action(not just prayers or words) that is either through massive spilled blood and death everywhere OR through the only peaceful means... through widespread repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Some may tell you out of their own religious ignorance that it's to late--- we all just should just give up, wait for Jesus' return and pray only because “we are all doomed.” Nothing in the Bible declares such things. Our job is not to hide, our job is to share Biblical Truth and be the light of Jesus irregardless of our circumstances. There may be one more revival before we all go before the Lord in Judgment, you will never know though however if you follow the plans of the devil and follow further into carnal and man made ways.
God's plan is the perfect plan in restoring America(2Chronicles 7:14). As I have made myself available many times in the past, I am willing to travel if necessary to those groups that wish to hear the Gospel message, I pray if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ, you are willing to do the same.
So pick and choose very carefully America. Not only does your very soul count on your decision, but so also the life of your neighbors and nation !
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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  • The World’s Hope: We hire professionals to fix our cars, computers, and leaking roofs, professionals to protect our legal rights, and health care professionals. We even hire professionals to get us through the Pearly Gates. The professionals, with all of their skills, have not brought us love or peace. 

    Astrologer Jeanne Avery, in The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising (I’m Aquarius rising) wrote, “He may be musical, and a genius.” I’m both. I’m a musician.  Like Tesla, I’m one of those weirdoes that sees what others don’t about the subtle workings of the universe. My Saturn is trine Pluto. In Astrologer’s Handbook, “This trine gives natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized.”

    The Prince of Peace, whose arrival was predicted by Persian astrologers, mind you, who saw signs in the sun, moon, and stars (Luke 21:25), he was talking about his return, I wonder in what form. In the Lord’s Prayer, he said, “in earth as it is in heaven.” How many times have those words been repeated in Christian churches? I bring to your attention what Jesus was talking about. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,” he said. He said the kingdom of God is in you. Love and peace do not come from external sources. They come from within. Only you and I can bring the world love and peace.

    What I see in the national election of 2012:  For many, it is like seeing your mother being lowered into her grave.  Conservatives learned, bitterly, that America is no longer the exclusive territory of white males. Change is inevitable. Nothing is the same. We hate losing our mothers, but we know it is inevitable.

    The Democrats, having moved on, have yet to learn that taking from the rich and giving to the poor kills the goose that lays golden eggs. Under the guidance of Democratic leaders, Democrats have moved on to La La Land. If we are to save the world, we conservatives need to get up to speed.

    In Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged, John Galt is the object of its often-repeated question "Who is John Galt?" and of the quest to discover the answer. From In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, the question of who Joe Smith is arises often and of the quest to discover the answer.  Who Joe Smith is, the reader discovers, is a progression of nine steps that ends in selflessness, the desire to be of universal service. Distinguish this from the good of all idea—The progressive liberal idea—that the individual is of no consideration. Compare this with the crucifixion of Christ.  He preached that the meek would inherit the earth. Selflessness is the opposite of being of no consideration. That’s the first thing we conservatives need to know if we are going to save the world.

    John Galt ends as the counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel as an oppressive bureaucratic know-it-all herding a culture that embraces stifling mediocrity.  Atlas Shrugged is a half answer.  In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012  gives you the complete answer, starting at the beginning, when God said, “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26). Since we had not yet arrived, God must have been speaking to our archetype, the highest in conscious awareness in the universe.

    Objective reality seeks to restrict conscious awareness, in Ayn Rand’s view, to capitalism. Because we are living in the past, which began with Roosevelt’s New Deal law, all the progressive liberal camp needed to do to win the election was to depict Romney as a proponent of subjective reality--juxtaposition the fact--leave the idea that subjective reality is mean spirited and selfish.  We are ignorant of what subjective reality really is.  It means that you know the power that lies within you. Objective reality means you realize external power is greater than your own power.

    Since Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel, science has come a long way. The cutting edge sees objective reality as flawed and incomplete.  The cutting edge has found that what we thought was an independent and objective world is in fact dependent on the observer. It follows that God must be personal—that we ourselves—must feature in the picture—that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space is false dogma.

    Joe Smith’s story began with his life in ruins at age forty-nine, in the year 1975. In the year 2012, the American people helplessly watch American life going down the tube.  Joe Smith cut from the herd and looked within for answers, with the U.S. Constitution as his guide. In the Constitution, he heard voices from the past speaking to him.  Lo and behold, all of Joe Smith’s dreams came true.  

    Opposing objective reality, in step number four of Joe Smith’s story, “Born for Justice,” the builder, the offspring of his archetype, submitting to earthly things, where legal form and ethical substance play a role, the Roman judge, Cicero, said to be the father of modern law: “We are born for justice, and right is not the mere arbitrary construction of opinion but an institution of nature;” with regard to “arbitrary construction,” Black’s Law Dictionary informs us that while the law “imports a moral substance or ethical permissibility….legal fraud is fraud implied or inferred by law, or made out by construction.”  Therefore, objective reality, a myth, ignoring the truth that the law is based on subjective reality, leaves the law in America a house of cards. The current will of the people will soon leave America bankrupt morally, spiritually and fiscally.

    America’s leaders have not complied with the principles laid out in the Constitution, whose background is the “higher law.” Both slavery and government entitlement, ostensibly, for the good of all, but actually rationalization, consequently, America is now at the edge of a fiscal cliff, but not Joe Smith!

    Thanks to government entitlement, his life couldn’t be better. However, the “after me you come first” idea being sold by America’s progressive liberals, not a happy thought—instead of brotherly love, it brings on the guilt trip and over-compensation, ultimately, hate for your brothers and sisters--government entitlement has brought great division in the American people. Thus, notwithstanding the Constitution, two ideas come into play, the commands of makers and keepers of the law and the will of the people. Property is not a consideration. The rich—that is, the successful--can always afford to pay “a little bit more tax.”  A little bit more over and over means the successful are now paying seventy percent of the taxes and the not so successful asking for still more. They won the election, so the successful will pay a little bit more.  It doesn’t take a genius to know this will not work.   

    “In earth as it is in heaven,” when you think of our galaxy as being only one in uncountable billions, and our solar system as being only one of billions in our galaxy, and our tiny planet floating in the vast universe, how important is the individual? We are not very observant. Were we, we’d know that we interact with matter. It is mind over matter. The individual is the only thing in the universe that matters. Take away his God-given rights and there is no reason for man’s being. In Genesis 1:26, God said let man have dominion over all other life.

    Let me explain the fallacy in the legal fraud called the law in America. In nature, it is not people thinking this or that, nor is it what the makers and keepers of the law enact. It is everywhere with the same force.  The law is a discovery from nature and a transcript of nature’s constancy. We are inextricably part of natural law. Man can’t remake us.

    With the advent of quantum theory, the cutting edge of science finds that we exist as something more than matter. The observer emerges as a co-equal in creation.  Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.

    Government entitlement—other people contributing their sweat to Joe Smith--and those departed souls who spoke to him in the Constitution, you can understand why Joe Smith would write a book. John Adams, in 1777, asserted, “Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took the pains to preserve it.” Said Samuel Adams, “Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”  

    Speaking of the signs of the sun, moon, and stars (the second coming of Christ spoken of in Luke 21), from Astrologer’s Handbook, we are leaving the Age of Pisces, which is now in its death throes. “They (Pisceans) desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors. Placing a monumental debt on the backs of your children, and playing the blame game, is an extremely selfish thing to do. Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.  Albert Camus. The challenge we face brings to mind what John Adams said:  “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God anarchy and tyranny commence.”  

    Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointed justice, had this to say: “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.”  The American people voted for a man who says he is a Roosevelt Democrat.  One of these days, your children are going to ask why you voted for Obama. You are going to live in guilt of what you’ve done to your children.

    Welcome to my age, the Age of Aquarius. “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.”  The Age of Aquarius has no fixed time to arrive. The arrival, up to us; it can be sooner or later.

    The cutting edge of science has explored the nature of consciousness—that is, the immaterial essence, the animating principle, or actuating cause of human life--and has concluded that through the will, we affect matter.

    A transcript of nature’s constancy, through the higher law of nature we transcend the limits of space and time. According to Joe Smith, God created man in his own image (Genesis 1:27). Conscious awareness has no boundary. Thus, we are here with increasing purpose, lest we end history written in the rocks.  

    It is up to those of us with science’s latest understanding to spread the word that God is no longer supernatural.  God is reason and logic—common law—do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love your brothers and sisters. Government is not your keeper.  

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