Posted on Terence P. Jeffrey-On April 28, 2011:
"( - President Barack Obama’s approval rating remained at an all-time low among Hispanic Americans last week, according to the Gallup poll.
For the second week in a row only 47 percent of Hispanics said they approved of the job Obama was doing as president.
Obama’s approval rating among Hispanics first dropped to 47 percent in the week of April 11-17, 2011, according to Gallup. It then stayed at that level for the week of April 18-24.
Prior to this month, there were only two other weeks when Obama’s approval rating dropped below 50 percent among Hispanics. In the week of Sept. 20-26, 2010, his approval dropped to 49 percent among Hispanics and in the week of July 26-Aug.1, 2010, it dropped to 48 percent.
Obama’s approval among Hispanic Americans has declined dramatically since early in his presidency. In the week April 20-26, 2009 and May 11-17, 2009, his approval rating among Hispanics hit 85 percent, its all-time high.
Gallup typically asks more than 3,500 people per week whether they approve or disapprove of the job the president is doing.
According to the Pew Hispanic Center’s analysis of the 2008 presidential election exit polls, then-Sen. Barack Obama defeated Sen. John McCain 67 percent to 31 percent among Hispanic voters.”
Obama’s Support Among Latinos Shaken!
Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Tait Trussell-On Apr 4, 2011:
“Ethnic and racial changes in America signal bad news for Obama in 2012. His most fervent supporters, blacks, are now outnumbered by Hispanics, according to Census figures. This means African Americans will likely lose a “substantial amount of political clout,” scholar Torrence Stephens forecast March 28. He is assistant professor of behavioral Sciences at Rollins School of Public Health. The black vote was 98 percent for Obama in 2008.
The country’s population now consists of 196.8 million whites, 50.5 million Hispanics, 37.7 million blacks, and 14.5 million Asians. Latin voters shifted in impressive numbers away from Republicans in 2008, which gave Obama large margins of victory in three battleground states: Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada.
But the Obama “spell” among Latinos is fading. For a group that supported Obama heavily in 2008—who won 67 percent of their vote — only 43 percent of Hispanics polled by Univision at the end of last July say Obama is addressing their needs. Another 32 percent said they were uncertain, and 21 percent said the president has done a poor job. In New Mexico, for example, Gallup polling last June found Obama support down to 57 percent from 69 percent in 2008.
The number of Hispanics has risen from 35 million in 2000 to its present 50.5 million. Moreover, they are no longer concentrated in a handful of Southwestern states, where they have lived for decades. They have moved to all parts of the country. The largest percentage increases have been in southern states, where many Republicans now thrive. The Hispanic population has more than doubled in Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina, as Linda Chavez has pointed out, with census counts surpassing previous estimates by more than 10 percent in Alabama, Louisiana, and Maryland. Ms. Chavez is an author, columnist and chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity.
Obama and his Democrat tribe thought they had a golden opportunity to capture the affections of Hispanics a year ago when Arizona passed its reasonable but strict immigration-enforcement law. The president welcomed the opportunity to try to pulverize the Republicans on immigration reform. He spent more time in April and May grousing about Arizona’s law then he did doing anything constructive about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Republicans fretted that the Arizona law would make it hard to attract Hispanic voters. But an October story by reported Hispanic voters’ support for Democrat candidates waned in September and October, cutting the backing of Democratic candidates edge from 32 percent support to only 13 percent.”
Note: As I’ve stated before, I am a proud American, who was raised to love my God, family/friends and Country, who honorably served his country as a member of our armed forces, like other Hispanics before and after me have. Many Hispanics, like many other God, family and Country loving Americans, have not only served, but have given their all to uphold the freedom that comes with living in a Republic, which is sadly taken for granted by so many “Americans In Name Only.”
America, The Republic:
I believe that the reason President Obama’s approval rating among Hispanics has dropped from 85 percent in May of 2009 to 47 percent in April of 2011 is that more and more Hispanics are beginning to wake up to the fact that in the past approximately twenty-seven months he, his Administration and allies, to include the Congress and Courts, with the help of the Main Stream Media, have been actively and relentlessly taking some deplorable actions that will permanently divide our country racially and/or by class to a point of no return.
I also believe that, if they are allowed to continue without restraint, their actions will more than likely cause civil unrest and/or an uprising in our country, which may be their ultimate goal because it would allow the President to declare “Marshal Law”, as a means of completely doing away with our “Constitutional Rights” and/or “Bill of Rights”, which so many God, family and country loving Americans have given their all to preserve, in their final push to transform our country into a Socialist nation and ultimately a one-world government.
Call to Action: All God, family and country loving Americans, regardless of political affiliation, sex, race, color (In the Marine Corps we were all green), ethnic origin, creed, or religion, need to step up to the plate and unite against this Marxist/Socialist attack on our country before it is too late. I truly believe that this President and his minions are doing everything in their power to divide us through their outrages and/or unrelenting racist propaganda, as a means of accomplishing their ultimate goal of permanently destroying the U.S. of A. I hope and pray that I am wrong, but my gut tells me that something reeks.
The following blog posts and/or articles and videos are shared with you as a means of supporting my statement above-You Decide:
Does Our President Hate America?
Obama the Polarizer!
Are we witnessing an absence of inspirational leadership or lack of leadership skills?
Obama's Real Strategy-Posted on American Thinker-By James V Capua-On April 28, 2011:
Some blacks now have doubts about Obama-Posted on Star Parker, Syndicated Columnist-On September 14, 2009:
Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Blasts ‘Marxist,’ ‘Brownshirt’ Obama-Posted on Vision to America-On April 30, 2011:
Laura Ingraham discusses the Harry Alford hearing (Boxer)-Posted on logalogalog-On Jul 25, 2009:
Obama is fomenting a race war?
President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!
Liberal web site publishing harsh racial rhetoric!
'Game Change': New Book Reveals 2008 Campaigns' Messy Moments-To Include Racism!
George Soros is Implementing a “One World” Socialist Government-Posted on
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
New World Order By Executive Order!
The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/
Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?
The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:
Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!
Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/
Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:
Note: What follows is a Chicago Reader article and/or blog post that reveals what the then Senator Obama’s personal and/or political views were in 1995, along with possibly providing us with a good sense of how his views back then may have affected his decision making process as our President and/or Commander-In-Chief to-date-You Decide:
What Makes Obama Run? ‘Lawyer, teacher, philanthropist, and author Barack Obama doesn't need another career. But he's entering politics to get back to his true passion—community organization’-Posted on The Chicago Reader-By Hank De Zutter-On December 07, 1995:
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!