This is a picture of an Israeli home in Gaza recently destroyed by a rocket. While urban crime is bad in America, none of us live under daily threat of airborne attack.
We'd have to reach back in our national memory to World War II or even the Cold War for a frame of reference.
Israel is ramping up a military response to this latest round of ongoing aggression. Observers wonder whether the Obama administration will help or continue allowing daylight ( read: appeasement ) to encourage Islamist hatred.
The Middle East's lone democracy earned our friendship a million times over. Despite this, Obama continues mistreating Prime Minister Netanyahu like a leper.
Back channel negotiations with worse than street thugs ( Iran ) seems the presidents sole concern. Perhaps an Oval Office chat with survivors of rocket attacks and homicide bombings in shopping centers would open his eyes?
He sits safety in the White House while Israelis fear when the next projectile will kill them- Imagine the terror of unexpected death from the sky at any moment?
Were Americans living on such a bulls eye, would we appreciate a policy of daylight and hand holding with our enemies?
Israels tormentors are using Obama's first term daylight doctrine as license to continue their pogrom against innocent civilians.
One wonders if this second term will amount to more than figuratively telling Israelis to duck and cover?
How about helping Israel make her attackers duck and cover instead?
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