Obama's Press Conference

Obama’s press conference tells us that he doesn’t think the America people know what they need; that he knows best. What this tells me is that I voted for the wrong man. I should have voted for Obama. He was America’s wake-up call. With McCain President, we’d have remained asleep while America slowly sank into oblivion.

Now that we know Obama is a Sol Alinski community organizer from South Chicago, a Marxist champion of the anti-American left; that clearly we’ve been conned, we can watch his power diminish for the next two years, while we pick someone capable of leading American back to constitutional government.

One anchor of the lame-stream press thinks we the people must be hypnotized. It is inconceivable that we should want a Constitution that has long-since been replaced. Rest assured they will be on the attack. The me-to Republicans, who haven’t gotten the message yet, seem to be catching on to the idea that the Tea Party is going to be watching every move they make. It is no longer going to be business as usual. My prediction: They are going to participate in taking America back to constitutional government or be removed at the next election.

If we want free enterprise back, the idea that private industry creates jobs, goods, and services, not progressive government, in earth as it is in heaven (from the Lord’s Prayer), in The Scofield Reference Bible’s Introduction, we read: “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view,” anything may be proved in the law, in religion, in science by taking isolated passages to make your point.

In the Scofield Reference Bible’s, Introduction, we read: “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealing of God with humanity,” as distinguished from progressive government. The one is naturally made, the other manmade. Nature’s progressive order brings us “increasing purpose, “which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity.”

We live in an atomic age. We’ve advanced externally at a pace far in advance of our internal advancement. We have the capability of leaving ourselves history written in the rocks. Rather than progressive government, if we expect to live on, we should be cognizant of the progressive order of God with humanity.

Real change must take place. In all changes, displacements and hardships occur. If we are smart about the change, the hardships can be minimized. Federal income tax has been manipulated over the years to favor the very rich at everyone’s great expense. It should be replaced with a tax on spending, with exemptions on items of basic necessity. Naturally, politicians would say it would be worse than what we have now. They are working on the problem. They’ve been working on the income tax for generations and the problems are multiplying, while America sinks.

We can’t continue on the path we’ve taken. Politicians have had far more than the time it should take to correct the tax and spend problem. We know who is being served and who is not served. It’s time to start telling politicians what we want. If they don’t give us what we want. Put someone in their place who will.

Somthing is very wrong!


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  • Oabama's Marxism ways were evident during his campaigning. It was all over the internet & others spread his agenda like water. Obama fooled people. Others knew his agenda pulled in their money, loaded their homes with guns & pulled in their spending, corporations cut jobs, small business closed up which kept the economy spiralling down. If McCain & Sarah Palin would have won alot of this would not have happened. Congress knew how to fix our economy they chose Obamas path for greed & power. Fixing our economy falls on The People. We The People need to comunicate with the TEA PARTY often not letting up this time or we will lose our freedom for sure. We must invade all levels of government. Teach our children to have a better conscious. Demand better education for children. Demand respect for small business's rid Corporate Monopolies, rid Drugs from society, demand our courts abide by the Constitution no Shariah Law or creating socialism. Fight strongly against terrorist. You see We The People have all the burden on us for solving the crisis the USA faces not the Government they won't do it unless We The People show them that we demand it from them.
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