Obama's True Mission must be Stopped!

I hope I'm not the only one that sees what Bammer & Buddies are up to!Step 1: Take over CongressStep 2: Buy up as much of the U.S. Economy as possible.Step 3: Take over citizen rights in any way possible. I.E. Healthcare & Energy SourcesStep 4: Kick God Out!Step 5: Begin enacting socialist policies while Destroying the Economy!Step 6: Cause the citizens to get fed-up & Revolt( by the way I'm so for a tax revolt & maybe TEXAS withdrawal from the Nation)Step 7: Declare Marshall LawStep 8: Declare Communist RuleStep 9: Dominate the United NationsStep 10: Join The New World Order!
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  • Thanks!! I am absolutely LIVID with The COMMUNISTS this morning over the PORKY defense BILL & the ABORTION BILL. How can we,or is there a way to Unite all the grass roots Organizations NOW to RECALL THEM ALL BEFORE It's TOO LATE?? I am afraid we are going to need a TAX REVOLT since they don't REPRESENT OUR POSITION!!!!!
  • Chris - Thanks so much for developing this outline of Obama's mission, because he just showed us what the Tea Party Movement objectives are.

    1. Patriots take over Congress
    2. Patriots buy up the U.S. Economy as possible
    3. Patriots regain citizen rights per the Constitution.
    4. Patriots put God into all our institutions.
    5. Patriots restore Free Market policies to restore the Economy
    6. Patriots to remain peaceful and celebrate that we are united in our efforts. (Texas Withdrawal if Constitution is not restored).
    7. Patriots recall all members of Congress home until we decide on next course of action.
    8. Patriots declare our Rights are Divine and absolute under Constitutional Law.
    9. Patriots restore the Honor and Glory of Lady Liberty and proclaiming once again Freedom reigns in the US.
    10. Patriots disavowed any desire for a New World Order or Imperialism. God is our Lord no international organization or king.
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