By John W. Lillpop
Democrats looking to deflect public attention from the ObamaCare disaster have taken up the mantra of income equality, the need for increases to the minimum wage, and other issues meant to highlight the plight of the less advantaged versus the advantages enjoyed by the more affluent elitist class.
Central to the liberal argument is the thesis that Democrats are on the side of the “little guy,” while Republicans are alleged to bestow their favors on the “bloated rich,” code language for fat, white, conservatives.
This distorted narrative is easily refuted, when one considers the case of vacation expenses shoved on the backs of taxpayers to fund luxury vacations by the Obama and Biden clans.
As reported:
The travel costs for vacations taken by the first family and the Bidens have reached over $40 million with the Air Force’s revelation that two golf outings by President Obama this year cost $2.9 million, according to the taxpayer watchdog group Judicial Watch.
The group said that the Air Force provided documents and records that put the price of the first family’s trip to Key Largo, Fla., in March at $885,683 just for flying Air Force One. The travel costs to golf in Palm Springs, Calif., in February, where the president also met with King Abdullah II of Jordan, was $2,066,594, said the Air Force documents, according to Judicial Watch.
“It is clear that the Obamas continually abuse the perks of the president’s office at taxpayer expense,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement to Secrets. “And it is particularly interesting that Obama has chosen to take not one but two luxury vacations back-to-back while inveighing against ‘income equality.’ President Obama’s waste of the hard-earned tax dollars of working Americans on unnecessary luxury travel is an abuse of office.”
So, Democrats represent the “little guy” in America, do they? And in doing so, they need $40 million just for vacations?
He'll doesn't care about spending everyone else's hard earned money. He thinks the world owes him. He's been groomed in this fashion ever since he was a much smaller cry baby.