Oboma's addition to the white house chronicles of previous presidents by claiming his furtherances that he is continuing their accomplishments is contrary to his own record of accomplishments.
He claims that he is a champion of Social Security and the elderly. Lets look at Oboma's accomplishments in Social Security'
1 For the first 2 years of his administration the COLA adjustments on SS benifits was waived while his crony appointments and favoured politicians recieved their COLA adjustments, The first president to do so since COLA adjustments were instituted.
2 Oboma refused to address the financial straits the the SS trust fund was experiencing and very effectivly used moneys from the trust fund to fund his pet spending projects.
This while a potential solution would be to simply remove the earning cap for the SS payroll tax which would have meant that his campaign contributers would have to be subjected to the SS payroll tax beyond that which they have been accustomed to.
3 Hi threat to suspend the payment of SS benifits if his political opponents continued to oppose his spending spree.
4 The continuing backdoor recovery of SS benifits paid to retirees through the continued taxation of low and middle class income citizens by way of taxing the SS bemifits paid to retirees
5 Oboma care which increasses the cost of medicare that is withheld from SS benifits while doing every thing he could to protect the pay of his crony appointments to SS administration personel.
It seems to me that he has been dedicated to increase the political rip off's of seniors which has been a favorite issue of so many politicians. Of course he will blame everyone else for initiating some of the political rip offs as justification for him to add some more. I don't believe that FDR envisioned these practices when he creasted the Social Security system.