Obumer the uneducated.

Lately hearing the things on of Obumers mouth I wonder just were he got his education. They say he went to Harvard, I really think he never got passed the 3rd grade. He sure can’t do math just look at the debt, he think 2+2 = 10. And economics he doesn’t know a thing about, I think he slept through the class.
I’ve lessen to his attacks on Romney not a one of them make sense to me. What has Obumer ever done , what is his working past? Nothing I bet he’s never ran even a paper route. Guess he’s just walked around with his hand out, looking for freebies.
People who have started business have worked hard, the people that have helped are normally called the customers and some long hard hours. Sure the hell was the government all they want to do is tax the daylight out of them.
The jokers up there in Corrupt DC must stay up and smoke dupe so they can come up with new Taxes. Now they are going to charge sales tax on the things we order on the internet. Nice another TAX, like we are not taxed enough.
Obumers crooks now want Romney to show more tax returns, he needs to say sure as long as Obumer shows an honest birth record, and an honest work record himself.
Please folks make sure he gets a moving van at the outhouse in November with a one way ticket back to what ever country he is from. He’s sure not from the USA.

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