In the past few days with what is going on in the Middle East I can say that Obummer has lit the fuse for a possible War with those people. Those people want nothing but war, what happened to Egypt and Libya and now in Syria. Now they think they can over throw the United States. But isn’t about trying to over throw a government it’s been about religion for a long time it fact for years.
Here in the United States we have a lot of different faiths and over a period of time have been made fun of or criticized for their beliefs. But we don’t riot or destroy things or force them to believe in one faith. I myself I’m Lutheran but I don’t force my beliefs on someone else, it’s personal. It’s what I believe in no one else, between me and the good Lord. And believe me he has pulled me through some tough times, I think you could ask a lot of Veterans, and the GI’s that are coming home today. When the bullets are fly and mortars are dropping and you come out of it without a scratch you kneel down and thank God your alive.
As for Obummer all he’s trying to do is destroy America just like Jimmy Carter but only worse. All he has been doing for 4 years is campaigning. Clint Eastwood was right talking to a empty chair, because that is what Corrupt DC has been talking to for 4 years.
If he would of done his job right as he talked about 4 years ago he would not have to worry about getting reelected to office. Any person that does their job in the private sector would be guaranteed a job because bosses do not get rid of good workers. But if a person is not doing their job then they are fired.
I have a very hard time understanding just how in the H--l these nut cases can vote for this guy. They had better get their heads out. Or do they have to wait until a NUKE falls on their heads. That’s when they will be asking were is are military, that will be to late for them. I have seen the damage of what a Nuke can do when I went to Japan. They may have been pictures but it was horrible to even see those things.
Do they think by letting Iran. That their will not press the button then they got their head stuck in the toilet. Because if just one country lunches a missile with a nuke on it, just how many other countries are going to press that button. The entire world will be destroyed within minutes.
I believe we are going to WAR, just prey to God we can stop a Nuclear disaster before these nut cases get a bomb and use it.
They wish to rule the world with their religion it’s time to stop them and all this Terrorism world wide once and for all.
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