For the past month I have listen to the Debates and have to suffer through all the lies that I have heard from Obummer. From the economy to foreign affairs he has done nothing but lie through his teeth. Listening to the last debate I thought we were listening to Bidden.
The economy, I need to ask to you folks in the Tea party, can anybody tell me is the Middle Class, I looked it up and got all kinds of different numbers on it. These people that support this Liar-an- Chief are either brain dead or getting free handouts. Or maybe they are the ones that ran off to Canada during the Vietnam War.
Do these people have to have a bomb drop on there heads to wake them up. Well they will have if they elect Obummer, Iran will deliver it air mail.
Obummer has never worked an honest job in his life, never started or ran a business. After listening to some of his commits about math he must have failed it in school. He’s the one that doesn’t know math.
Most of the time he talks to what looks like is High School or College kids who think they should get free college education. Hate to tell these kids but the real world does not always come out of a book. And you can not life on Welfare all your life. Half of them can not even think about looking for a job before they get out of school, on top of that they think they should be paid big money the day they get out of school.
With Obummer you get Peat and repeat, they are going to get a repeat of his first 4 years. And they will still be without a job. It’s very surprising to me as to what the younger generation is being taught in school. And to think they would like us Americans to pay for it, if that be the case then “We the People” should have something to say as to what they are being taught.
Seems the younger generation can not see beyond their noses. I’m 67 years old and I think just how fast the past 40 years have gone. They may want us folks out of the way so they do not have to listen to the truth about life itself. The younger generation need to put away their I phones, I pads, and maybe their computers and wake up to the real world. Many Men and Women have died for their freedoms to play their games.
We the People with a brain know that you don’t keep borrowing money to get out of debt. And you don’t by all means spend more than you make, that’s called going backwards.
We the people are playing by two playbooks. The Federal Government playbook and the private sector playbook and they do not match. Has anybody looked up the Government retirement system verses the private sectors system. Please be seated while you read it, it will shock you.
Green energy yes I somewhat agree we need green energy but do you invest in that when you have 23 million people out of work. Or do you invest when you have money to do so. This is where the private investors come in, if it is so good why haven’t the private investors gotten in on it? They do not invest unless are going to get a return on there investment. They will not invest in a company that is going broke. They are not that dumb, that’s why they are making money not wasting it. These wind turbines are like billboards. They are getting in the way of seeing the mountains or anything else, on top of that now they want to TAX the WIND, it’s called a wind tax.
As for taxes We the People are over taxed, with Federal, State, Local, and Property taxes that we pay. Healthcare Obummer has 21 new taxes in his healthcare law, and he has said that Taxes are going to go up after the first of the year, not just on the rich either, on everyone. That means your paycheck is going to go down so you have less money to spend. With the gas prices going up, grocery prices going up, utility bills going up that means one thing income goes down.
Foreign Affairs this is a big issue that is coming to light with Americans today. Obummer has been a total failure at, to me he doesn’t want to often his fellow Muslims but it’s okay to help kill Americans. Which I fell strongly he did in Libya, 4 Americans did not have to die, to me he should have pulled them out of there when the Brit’s pulled out, and maybe put them back in there when things got better. Do not use Americans for Political gains. If the people of the United States want to knoe the truth about what going on overseas just ask the everyday GI not the Generals, because the brass are just trying to make their next star verses telling the American people the truth about what really is going on.
To me this is just another Vietnam playing political games with American lives and paying the price later down the road when they pull another Terrorist attack again. I still believe that you turn the Military loose and get the job done once and for all insist of have to see people get killed for political games.
People today have to think about the future of this country, free to do the things we wish to do whether that would be to travel to see this beautiful country. Or just to see their kids enjoying the thing they wish to do. The younger generation had better take theirs out of where it does belong and start looking to the future because they aren’t going to stay young forever.
Obummer wants to become a dictator in this country, if that happens then their lives are over with. They will not have any freedoms, they will look in the mirror and say they made a mistake in voting for this clown, hate to tell this younger generation it will be to late to correct things.
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