Shirley Sherrod said, "I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with helping a white person save their land."
Initially, she said, “‘I didn't give him the full force of what I could do’ and only gave him enough help to keep his case progressing. But eventually, she said, his situation ‘opened my eyes’ that whites were struggling just like blacks, and helping farmers wasn't so much about race but was ‘about the poor versus those who have.’"
The full video of Sherrod's speech showed that while she took some shots at conservatives and spoke of continued racial inequities, she focused on encouraging blacks, particularly the younger generation, to do more to help themselves.
The Father of America, George Washington, was a slave owner. In his day, as a slave owner, you were a good Christian. You are still a good Christian if you believe all Jews are going to hell. If you are a member of Reverend Wright’s Christian church, you believe most white people are going to hell. President Obama was a member of Reverend Wright’s church for 20 years.
A good Christian, after having stated that I’m psychic, told me that God never communicates with psychics. Another good Christian called me the anti-Christ. Another good Christian called me a secular humanist. A secular humanist is one who promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine.
President Obama says he is a Roosevelt Democrat. Roosevelt, during World War II, turned away two shiploads of Jews trying to escape Nazi death camps. Roosevelt interned all Japanese Americans during World War II. Roosevelt favored unions that barred blacks. One of the Democrats’ greats, Senator Robert Byrd, was an official in the K.K.K. before he was a senator.
The emancipator of America’s slaves, Abraham Lincoln, was a Republican, but ninety percent of blacks vote Democrat. White slave owners stigmatized blacks. Democrats keep blacks stigmatized by handing them a pittance for their votes. If Democrats want to help blacks, don’t give them a pittance. Give them a leg up.
Yesterday, Glenn Beck reminded me that Eisenhower, in a speech, citing the military-industrial complex, warned America that our liberty was in peril. It is reported that a UFO landed at Edwards Air Force Base during an Eisenhower visit to nearby Palm Springs on February 20, 1954. Aliens that looked human but not exactly, and reportedly spoke English, informed Eisenhower that they wanted to start an educational program for the people of Earth. Were I an alien, I think I would be amazed at earthling beliefs. It comes to me that the education concerned our belief system.
Since long before recorded history, man has looked to the heavens and found gods. Very few Americans know the New Age god born in September, 1925, the month and year of my birth. Physicist Werner Heisenberg published the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics—and the atom bomb. From reports I’ve received, the atom bomb is of particular interest to extraterrestrials.
By looking externally for God, man has found many gods. All the trouble in the world can be traced back to looking externally for God. Quantum physicists look at the microcosmic and find a god that is scientifically provable, not directly, but by deduction. That’s a scientific no-no, by rote, not logic. In the law, you can prove something by deduction, and as well in religion. We build houses of cards from habit.
America has built a military-industrial complex. It took big money to make America the mightiest military power on earth. Money goes where money flows. This is what concerned Eisenhower, and quite likely the aliens who allegedly spoke with Eisenhower. It is all too obvious that we are not getting the truth from the military or the politicians.
The individual’s power is limited. The more the power, the less the limitation. Roosevelt Democrats believe government has an inherent duty to the individual, in and of itself transferring power from individual to government.
I’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain by accepting the scientifically proven god. By looking within for my answers, all of my dreams have come true. Like aliens apparently think—that we are in peril—I think we must be reminded that we can’t continue with faith in our fathers. We need to be reeducated to understand that we, individually, have an increasing purpose.