Admittedly, I’m on a different wave-length than most of today’s Americans. People can’t follow my thinking. At last my own wife follows it, but she says enough after two minutes of it. She hates to hear it. It is frightening. It goes with the territory of Aquarius rising. Having said this, after reading more in the book I’ve mentioned that an unknown sent me, The Great Controversy: The Storm is Coming, with its front cover pictures of the Statue of Liberty and the U. S. Capital building, sending a message of power and control opposing American constitutional liberties, something I write about, coincidentally, a message in the Bible the author of the subject book teaches, only in vastly different terms than mine—his terms, literally in the terms of the ancient writers of the Bible, mine in the terms of cutting edge science and what comes to my mind after reading the Bible—the end result being the same as the author’s ideas: the power and control we Americans are experiencing is “the mark of the beast.”
In the face of this, we read that “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is suggesting a coordinated effort is behind the opposition to a proposed mosque and community center near Ground Zero, saying the whole dispute has been ‘ginned up’ for political purposes and she supports a probe into those opponents.” Everyone wonders what’s on her mind. What’s her motive in this? The Muslim imam, who is pushing for the mosque, holds to the idea that Osama bin Laden was made in the U.S. I follow that line of thought, but not Osama bin Laden’s line of thought, or the Muslim imam’s thoughts, or Nancy Pelosi’s creature from the lost lagoon thoughts. She ought to be psychologically investigated. It would surely be determined that she is limited to lower animal intelligence, a freak of nature. Even Sen. Harry Reid, due to the fact that he is about to be replaced, says the mosque should be somewhere else. But don’t believe anything Reid says. He speaks with forked tongue.
Given what Pelosi said, I reason that this Muslim imam is obviously in cahoots with enemy powers within America. I’m suspicious that it is a political plot of Muslim and U.S. revolutionaries behind which thoughts is power and control. It is those who are out to divide up the world—egomaniacs—they will do whatever it takes. Given the evidence of their insidious plot to take out America, who knows what backroom double dealing is behind this Pelosi idea of investigation? Whatever, it surely isn’t in Jewish interests. Barack Obama’s philosophy and Muslim theology are too cozy for comfort. He’s leaving the Jewish homeland imperiled and America wide open for mass killing. Moreover, Obama’s “transformation” turns out to be hate America thinking. He maintains the Constitution gives America’s individuals “negative liberties.” We find that Obama is for the good of all; the end result justifies the means: Roosevelt’s legacy. He’s letting Iran build the nuclear bomb. He apologizes for U. S. policies in the Mid-East in the past. It was Muslim terrorists who took down the World Trade Center and killed thousands of people. Obama refuses to call them what they are. He calls them, instead, “enemy combatants.” Yea, right! Bottom line: anything against American values is good.
In nature, big fish thrive on little fish. Might makes right. It’s the so-called law of the jungle now in practice in America: to be exact, Obama and Pelosi law. We are taught in America of an “Almighty God in Heaven,” which Obama calls collective thinking. Yea, right! In The Great Controversy, Obama’s thinking is called “the sign of the beast.” There is an “Almighty Allah” in Paradise in the Middle-East. Both Obama thinking and Islamic thinking are manmade, both opposing the U.S. Constitution, the idea behind the Declaration of Independence, and the emblem of American freedom, the Statue of Liberty. This imam wants Sharea law, the law of Islam, which gives woman zero rights. Yes, the imam was right when he said Osama bin Laden was made in the United States. It is “the sign of the beast,” or as Islam calls it, “the Great Satin.” A mosque near ground zero would be a great Islamic victory. It would show America up for what she has become, the most successful nation on earth, the work of the devil. It would make Obama bin Laden an Islamic hero, and as well, Hitler and Mao heros to place a mosque near ground zero. This is exactly what President Obama, a disguised South of the Border dictator, wants. He wants power and control, the “mark of the beast.” In the book, The Storm is Coming, The “mark of the beast,” namely Obama, Pelosi and colleagues, these are the people who need to be investigated, my friends. This debate should not go away. It should be discussed from now until election day, that we might send Obama, Pelosi and colleagues back to where they came from.
Yea, I know, I’m on a different wave length. I ask myself, “what is wrong with the American people? Why are they not up to speed?” My ideas come from within. The idea put forth in The Great Controversy, of big, powerful external control, so-to-speak the “mark of the beast”—or a mosque at ground zero—it doesn’t work; its aim is to divide and conquer; it’s crazy thinking.
There is no “Almighty” in Heaven or Paradise. There is a God-self. That works! The external “Almighty Collective,” leads to individual enslavement. What I read in the Scriptures is that we are all God’s children. There is scientific proof that I am right. Also, I’m right about this: there is an Age of Aquarius, the idea of on earth as it is in Heaven—what Jesus preached: we are our brother’s keeper. Yet here we are at the threshold of a great future afraid to step across. Wake up, America! Your days of freedom are numbered.