I say the best blogs are those that have the fewest comments. It means you have the most agreement. The politician ponzi scheme is to divide and conquer. It’s the law of might makes right. The Constitution is base on the “Higher Law,” the law we humans live by. Dale Robinson, speaking of the law we humans live by, said, “I don’t care who gets the glory as long as we can restore our nation.” To what? Is it not to our Constitution?
Says Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, senior judicial analyst for Fox News, “We are carving America’s tombstone, ‘This was for your own good.’” Who says? We don’t say this was for your own good. In Lies the Government Told You, Napolitano suggests that the two party system seeks to preserve power by manipulating the mainstream media, by controlling campaign money, and those candidates nominated—all for the cause: power and control of the American people. Little gets done that Washington doesn’t like.
In my blogs, I refer to the “higher law,” the occult and metaphysical, the cutting edge of science. I’ve said that all of my dreams have come true. I’m opposed to the ritualistic, the doctrinaire, the law in practice: the end result justifies the means.
How do we, the people, know who to vote for? If we don’t like what we see, we vote for the other political party’s candidate, and find ourselves going from the frying pan to the fire, because we are listening to the politician, who has proven, whether Republican or Democrat, that he is not representing us. He is representing his own best interests. By listening to one side only, we are effectively being led down a garden path.
I tell you my dreams have all come true by looking within for my answers? Is mine a fairytale? Does Washington, D.C. know better than you know what is good for you? Judge Napolitano says government is feeding you a pack of lies. Who is more trustworthy, you or the Federal Government? I suppose you could say government gives you a good life if you don’t mind taking another’s right in the process. Government does not give you anything it doesn’t take from another. Bottom line: it’s class warfare—taking from those who have and giving it to those who don’t. It’s called the law of the jungle. What else? The choice: The Constitution or the law of the jungle.