In my leisure senior years, besides becoming a musician, I’ve written a book. The way I see it, the two arts work together to create harmony and symmetry, which is fundamental to the “Higher Law” of nature.
The thoughts I’ve expressed in my book are not unique; my interpretations are. I sent my manuscript to Createspace, an Amazon company, for editing and art work. In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 will be available no later than June, I’m told.
As you might imagine from the title, my book deals with my understanding of God. My guess is that after you read the book, you will be a believer in the God I know, even if you are an atheist. Most of us already believe in God, including a Christian God, a Jewish God, a Muslim God, and many variations within the beliefs—and all claiming to represent the one true God. This is presently the main source of division and turmoil in the world. What a blessing it would be if all of these various ideas of God could be superseded by the belief in one idea of God. I’ve gone into great detail in describing my God.
Moreover, my God is backed by a living experience. When I was a child, my parents told me I asked too many questions. I was raised a Christian. Adam disobeyed God’s command. From my teaching, I envisioned God looking down on me with a frown. I was an unrepentant sinner, and sure that I was going to hell. So, what the hell! Enjoy life. And what a life I have lived! You will be amazed.
When I was five years-old, I disobeyed a strict parental order: never cross busy Preston Road. I crossed Preston Road on my tricycle to see the world my mother denied me. The cops found me hours later chatting with a yardman. My mother was hysterical. She loved me dearly but never understood me. Few ever have.
The picture is of me and my mother
When I was forty-nine years-old, I took a vocational guidance test. The test indicated that my longing for adventure was that of an eighteen-year-old. Hey! You can’t get to the fruit unless you go out on limb.
I took the vocational guidance test because my business enterprise of 25 years went on the rocks. And not only that, my wife was divorcing me. You might say that I was where the world is today—at the edge of a cliff and nothing left to do but jump into the unknown, either to fly with eagles or fall into the abyss.
Well, I was one angry hombre. I blamed all of my woes on society, and especially the IRS. I was in the attack mode, like many of today’s folks. Instead of occupying Wall Street, I occupied the county law library. When I read about my inalienable rights, it was like voices of the past speaking to me. I was not reading for the sake of learning; I was reading with blood shooting out my eyes. I didn’t deserve my fate.
O’Reilly was horrified over the 29 killings in Chicago over St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Neither O’Reilly nor the preacher on his show had the foggiest idea of how to solve the problem. I know how Chicago gangs feel. Vengeance was all I could think, but I knew a lot more than O’Reilly, the preacher, and the makers and keepers of the law.
There is no question about it. I was screwed out my business by government regulations and taxes. I learned the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court. To show me that might makes right, the IRS had made a deliberate mistake on the tax I owed, to show me that government can do no wrong. The government lives by a double standard. I’m guilty until I can prove my innocence. That’s why we have Chicago gangs. The gang is the last resort to the self-serving morons in control. To Chicago gangs, I say, “read my book.” Instead of the odds being heavily against you, you will become a winner.
In my determination to beat the IRS, the thought came to mind to hang the United States with its own rope. My initial anger was assuaged. I had a viable plan. IRS goons were going to walk into my bear trap. I was doing this for the good of all. The United States was an unconstitutional fraud and I was going to prove it in court. Instead of a maverick without a cause, I had a bigger than life cause. God was on my side.
Nobody knew that I was the savior of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The same as everyone knows Chicago gangs are social misfits that deserve no mercy, everyone knew that I was a lousy tax protester trying to get out paying my rightful tax. What were the odds that I would win? To Chicago gangs, say I, “If you had bet against me, you would have lost your bet. The IRS ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post. I won, but you won nothing.”
Alas, one day in the sun was all I got. Well, it beat being crucified. Jesus said he would return. Quit putting Jesus in a bottle of urine. He is our friend. My book, a living experience, turns the mystery of life into a foregone conclusion: you have the power to make your dreams come true. For me, life doesn’t get any better.