My blog, “America’s Days are Numbered,” posted the day before yesterday, got 527 views. Yesterday’s blog, “Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood,” got one view.
I’ve just received a proof copy of my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. I’m reading it to check for errors. I’ve stopped at the sixteenth error, in 88 pages, to check out today’s Tea Party stands. As usual, I’m given food for thought. I’ve got a blog to post. The above mentioned error occurs in the following paragraph:
“I learned that the IRS set up an office in Detroit, Michigan for the purpose of catching tax protesters. Any worker claiming he or she owed no tax was automatically a tax protester. Taxpayers are guilty until proven innocent. How ingenious your representatives are! Information on my wife was forwarded to the same Portland office that confiscated my property. The same IRS attempted to do the same thing again—for the good of all. The IRS threatened to seize our home if we did not immediately pay. Who are we when it comes to the good of all? This is Obama’s “collective salvation,” one short step from Mao’s remedy. The no-only-good government people demanded that Karen’s employer deduct the full amount of withholding tax—with no deductions—with no evidence that we owed any tax. I filed a complaint in the district court. It was thrown out on the Declaratory Judgments Act. This is the tax that IRS Director Osborne maintained could be up to a hundred percent of earnings, the tax that Florida Senator Bob Graham wrote me could be collected using ‘draconian’ tactics, we can presume for the good of all.”
Indeed, America has a character problem: after me, you come first. The IRS claimed my wife was a tax protester, with no evidence. The IRS claimed my wife had not paid any income tax for ten years. They refused to talk with my wife. They were not interested in the truth.
House Republicans are prepared to file a contempt citation against DOJ’s Holder. It’s political. It is the pot calling the kettle black. From their actions, and non-action, it is clear than none of our representatives respect our rights as much as their own places in the sun. None are for our protection. What’s a few million lives more or less. They don’t care if we live or die. They lie like dogs. Any sensible person should know our representatives are not to be trusted.
I suggest that Congress be investigated for its contemptuous Fast and Furious scandal—fast and furious to suck us into their manmade black hole before we wake up.
There is no doubt about it in my mind. We’ve been made suckers. My book is going to hit the market when the American people are facing their moment of truth. I will soon know whether my calling was real or my imagination, whether the American people will buy my ideas or cast me aside as one more paranoid nutcake.