I see that the IRS is trying to stop us from being heard. If we knew and paid attention to the basics of life, we would better know how to deal with life.
In 1975, IRS Director Osborne wrote me that my letter to Attorney General William B. Saxbe had been forwarded to him for reply. I had claimed the income tax, as applied to me, was unconstitutional. My thought was that I had the right to exist on the fruits of my own labor. Director Osborne notified me that the Sixteenth Amendment allowed the IRS to take a hundred percent of my income and that I would be audited to see if I paid all the tax I owed.
Desire is bestial. Man was created with reason and logic, and meant to be submissive to “Higher Law.” Law professor Edward S. Corwin published The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law in 1925, in the year of my birth. In the same year Congress passed legislation giving the IRS the authority to examine the personal records of those paying income tax. Not to worry, only millionaires paid income tax.
The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures had to be weighed. If we knew bureaucrats, and their desire to control, we’d know better than to allow bureaucrats to examine personal records. We would know that a tax on income is not the best way to collect tax. To put bureaucrats in charge of your life is a very dangerous thing.
Congress not only gave bureaucrats authority to examine papers and effects, Congress made taxpayers guilty until they could prove themselves innocent. The Fifth Amendment says that no private property may be taken without due process of law. The IRS is permitted to take property without due process of law. Our property is governments for the taking. We have to go to court to get our property back.
With this privilege, how much property does the IRS take by mistake? The IRS took $1,500 from me by mistake at a time I didn’t have the money to pay my rent. The IRS also froze a $5,000 refund because I petitioned the Tax Court for a hearing. Congress gives the taxpayer no protection, nor do courts. The IRS was forced in Tax Court to give me back the property it withheld. The IRS made the same mistake again. The U. S. Court of Appeals refused to call the IRS mistake, two in a row on the same issue, unconstitutional. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case. The IRS was allowed, in violation of a Tax Court order, by the U. S. Court of Appeals, and by the U. S. Supreme Court, to confiscate $2,560 dollars of my property, counting penalty and interest.
For the third time, I filed a complaint in a U.S. District Court. The court decided to hear me. The United States admitted that it had wrongfully taken my property and agreed to give it back with interest. After returning my property, the IRS went to my bank and took every cent in my checking account, claiming it made a mistake in refunding my property. I took the record to The Palm Beach Post. An investigation got an admission from the IRS that it was mistaken. The money was put back in my bank account. But that wasn’t the end of it. The IRS claimed that my wife owed $35,000 in tax, penalty, and interest. We received a seizure notice. The IRS wrote that they could seize our home if we did not immediately pay the tax we were alleged to owe. We owed zero tax.
The important thing about this report is that government is determined to stop all protests against tax. Once government gets its foot in the door there is no stopping it. The IRS is above the law in a nation that is governed by the people, for the people.
At the present time, government spending is out of control. There is yet no answer in Washington DC. This government of the people, for the people, is not concerned enough to change anything. Not to worry. It looks like the economy is coming back.