One Nation Indivisible

The hue and cry is for our children to know our history. I’m all for it! Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence was a deist. Deism: belief in the existence of God on the evidence of reason and nature, and get this: with rejection of supernatural revelation. 


If you are of a mindset that the universe, including you, is both quantitative and qualitative, natural law and conscious awareness inseparable, but first comes quality—the state of being real—the law, in order to be real, must be natural.


As for supernatural, man’s imagination of what God wants, like killing Jews, there are many supernatural ideas of what God wants. Were Jews aware of this, they would not be calling Israel the Promised Land. Muslims would not be calling for killing Jews. The peculiar thing about an excess of power is that somehow immoratily becomes moral.


“In earth as it is in heaven,” said Jesus, “But first seek ye the kingdom of God.”  There is a distinction. Heaven and earth are quantitative; the kingdom of God is qualitative.


The history books leave out a lot that I bring to light. My unique history of man is grabbing a lot of attention at Far more comments are coming in daily  than I can read, highly favorable comments, most from young people.   For your own gratification, you would not likely leave a huge debt for your children to pay. But if government does it, it is quite alright.  It is something about authority that makes no sense. Young people love my history lessons. They tell me they have no problem in where I'm taking them and look forward to my next blog. They are passing what I tell them around.  I've received more than 9,000 comments. No telling what this will lead to in a world that is sick and tired of the current direction. 


According to Jefferson in the Declaration, the law is with the consent of the governed.  Whenever the people’s life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness is threatened by government, it is the right of the governed to abolish said government, and this is what the signers of the Declaration did. Just imagine this. The Americans did away with England’s government.  If England’s government could have gotten its hands on the signers it would have hung them all. Miracles never cease. George Washington and a ragtag army beat the most powerful nation in the world. America’s independent spirit, written into the law, is the reason America prospered—and to become the most powerful nation of earth.  


What happened? Unfortunately, the idea crept into America’s thinking, completely unfounded, by the way, that given the individual’s nature when successful to become self-centered and greedy, it becomes the duty of government to be involved in the individual’s life though redistribution of the nation’s resources. Are we supposed to accept without question that the successful are greedy and the unsuccessful are not; and that all politicians are as pure as the driven snow? No, we don't think that. But we like the idea of cradle to grave security.  Thus, by heavily taxing the fruits of the people’s labor—for the good of all—America progressed toward big powerful government, along with bailouts for the corrupt rich with big bucks to spend on reelections. And, as for President Obama, who wants to transform America, he's a mile off-target in everything he says, the guy is an absolute failure, our President now spends his remaining time in office on the golfcourse.  Redistribution of the nation’s resources, the most costly fraud in history, leaves the nation weak and divided.


Why teach the myth that this is one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all?  It is confined to those on the right side of the greatest fraud of all times. We should teach our children the American people have failed to learn that along with the letter and the spirit of the law comes personal responsibility, and especially for our children.  In a word, it is expedience—higher regard for that which is politically advantageous rather than for what is right and just.   


A house divided cannot long stand. I’m with Jefferson. The law is with the consent of the governed.  Hey kids, it is the people’s right to abolish this government, which has utterly no regard for your rights.  But I've a better idea. Please read on.


We learn from history that the founder of democracy, the Greek Demosthenes reasoned, “Every law is a gift of god—a precept of wise men.”  Right!  His concept was neither immutable nor invariable.  The Sophist conclusion was that justice was either the interest of the strong or at best a convention entered upon by men purely on consideration of expediency.  Expedience is the democratic way of doing things.  The will of the people, if you will, is merely the particular commands of the makers and keepers of the law.  Slavery is no longer necessary for the South’s economy, but by the same kind of reasoning the South’s representatives had in the past, Wall Street people are now seen by politicians to be too big to fail. The talk in Washington, D. C. is the equivalent of a dog chasing its tail, but the peculiar thing about it is that people buy it.


Yes, kids, common sense says that you have the same rights as a Wall Street banker, but expedience says your rights are not as much as is the good of all. Isn't that funny? For the good of all, you, my children, are left holding the bag. For the good of all, to pay out now to the entitled, and you are left with the debt. By the manipulated will of the people, the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Fed, and Congress have all joined ranks to save America.  Gee!  Isn't that nice!


Let the world remain on the path we are traveling.  Just leave us be, kids--for the good of all.  I can tell you for sure that you are not about to pay it.  We've been through this before.  By magic, the debt vanishes. What is one percent of a $14 trillion debt?   As usual, the plan is to let inflation pay the debt.  So we return, once more, to natural law.


Under natural law, you deserve the opportunities nature provides.  Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.  



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