The Tea Party, a political cause for conservatives, is great. As a World War II veteran who saw combat in Germany, who saw with my own eyes the victims of the Holocaust, he who protects Ameica, who protects him? Are we going to endure yet another Holocaust? For what purpose was my sacrifice?
My conservative philosophy fits the Tea Party. I’m neither for the Republican mainstream nor for Democrats. But this says little about my philosophy. I assume that most conservatives are religious. Democrats call it the “religious right.” I’m not religious. I assume most conservatives are conformist. I’m not. It is going to take more than religion and conformists—political conservatives—to turn the ship of state around. We are heading for the rocks. It is going to take true liberals, the kind who gave us our America, the pioneers who faced an unknown future with optimism, energy, and the belief in self, the kind of American today’s liberals don’t know, and as well many conservatives. We don't know what my generation knows.
It is going to take a new approach to life, the approach the American pioneer had. That is where I excel. I’ve been through the school of hard knocks. I have lots of experience. I’ve learned my lessons well. If life could be any better, I don’t know how. Now in the twilight of life, this is my time to be of universal service.
Shall we say, my born again life began on Good Friday, 1975, the day we commemorate as the day Christ was hung from the cross. I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of a new life. Although I didn’t think about it at the time, it was an omen of things to come for me, something to look back on with awe.
There was also this about my departure. By chance, I’d met an astrologer and had him create my astrological chart. It didn’t fit. I didn’t think much of it. I grew into my chart. Now it fits like a hand in a glove. A study of astrology tells me at the time of my departure, Uranus, my ruling planet, had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born, when I was in my forties. I departed when I was 49, when the opposition of Uranus to itself said I’d be under pressure to change my life. There is also this about my departure. I was born with Aquarius on the rise. This means that as I aged I’d become more Aquarian in nature. The symbol of Aquarius is the water-bearer. There are a lot of coincidences about my departure, too many as far as I’m concerned, to be coincidence.
Although I was not aware at the time of my departure, there had to be a purpose. Prior to my departure, I had read the Constitution and studied the procedure for challenging my income tax. When I read the Constitution, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling. This figures in with the time of my departure.
My astrological chart gives me this so-called trine, an angular alignment between Saturn, the learning planet with Pluto, the generational planet that says in Astrologer’s Handbook I would have the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. And just by coincidence, in November, 2008, the month and year Obama was elected President, Saturn went into angular opposition with Pluto. Astrologer’s Handbook says this means serious karmic problems—victims of oppression, cruelty, and other harsh treatment, usually because of personal connection with adverse conditions of mass destiny. Ah yes, we’ve got that big time. Too bad about Israel.
On the other hand, with Saturn trine Pluto, says Astrologer’s Handbook, I would make fundamental changes in my life and others lives. “Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”
Over the past ten years, I’ve written hundreds of blogs on the meaning of my life experience, and many on this Tea Party blog. It isn’t something others know or think about, but, strangely, it fits. The same as I, America faces an unknown future. Does my personal experience mean anything? If life could be any better for me, I don’t know how.
Something else I’ve learned in the past 10 years, my Christian teaching misinterpreted Christ’s teachings. The God my Christian teaching gave me did zero for me. In fact, it was a hindrance. After I’d successfully made a life of my own, with no one’s help, I started reading the Bible, and wondered how people could be so misled. For instance, in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said in earth as it is in heaven, followed by you can’t serve two masters, followed by “seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Christians believe in pie in the sky, and you’ve got to tithe to get there. Isn’t that what got Jesus crucified? He turned over the moneychangers tables. People were exchanging their gold and silver coins for worthless priest coinage for the purpose of getting pie in the sky. As always, it is setting up a fraudulent system to rob the individual of his power, to enhance the power of control freaks. From this we get war. Does God favor the victor of war? I think of God as the creator of life, life that knows reason and logic, something religion does not know. Religion knows doctrines and dogmas that include a supernatural God; that is, anything man wants to make God.
I had tried so hard to do the right thing. Nobody knew how hard I tried. I had been a good citizen, generously given of myself. Nobody appreciated all that I had done. The world is so cruel. I was angry at my government. I lashed out at the IRS. Everyone knows that the IRS is no one to mess with. I didn’t know that. I beat the IRS. But more than that, I had a calling to be more than a poor me the world kicked in the butt. I discovered the real me. After that, when everything should have gone wrong, everything went right.
From whence did I come? I believe the kingdom of God is in me, that I’m a God-self. Why do I need to live in guilt, or to pay to get to a non-existent place, as though an almighty Wizard in Heaven knows infinitely more than any man. Why of course, the divine put that idea in us? What could be more demeaning? No, it is not the Muslim Brotherhood, or the divine in Washington, D.C., according to my Constitution. I’ve good news. I’m here for a worthy purpose in my own right. When I die, my God-self returns without the help of a manmade almighty Wizard, to a fictious place called Heaven.
Why is the Middle East going up in flames? Why is the world now tottering on the edge of a financial precipice? Jesus said to the religious of all faiths in Mt. 7:5: “First cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Then when you pray, said Jesus, “ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find” (Mt. 7:7).
We are at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and the God of our future. As in any birth, there is pain. The road to a world living in peace and prosperity stretches before us to a new horizon. In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Aquarius, we read, “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. Those who Aquarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty.” The Age of Aquarius is the equivalent of the second coming of Christ.
Thank you for your great service.
If America doesn't protect the Jews, who will? Not only the Jewish State is in jeopardy, but have we forgotten it is the ONLY democracy in the Middle-East? Only 8,000 square miles, surrounded by enemies who want to die and go to heaven if they can kill a Jew.
America had better smarten up or G*D will exterminate us in His wrath if we turn our backs on His people.
Obama doesn't speak for me.