Ordered Liberty

The so-called Ring of Fire, the moon’s eclipse of the sun, brings to mind the order of the universe. It brings to mind a lawyer’s explanation of ordered liberty, in legal terms.  (Hitler was legal.) Roughly half of the American people support the legal definition.  Half don’t and yet vote for politicians who support the legal definition.  More than half of the American people depend on government and support government entitlement.  The courts support government entitlement, actually above the right to the fruits of one’s own labor.

America’s Constitution was written with the idea of a balance of power, but rewritten to give government all the power.  The American people are unaware of ordered liberty. This was my conclusion when I studied the Constitution in 1975.  It was voices of the past speaking to me—empowering me. 

If I had a personal stake in the outcome, it was my constitutional right to challenge the law. It has nothing to do with a lawyer’s legal term.  Legal is merely the form of law. It changes more often than the weather. Legal and reason are in no way connected. Given this, the government maintains that I can’t legally challenge the income tax.  It is the people’s choice over the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  It is a colossal fraud—Nazi law.  America’s law will end the same as Nazi law.

At the time, my wife was divorcing me and my business enterprise was on the rocks.  Everyone I knew thought I needed to see a psychiatrist.  Wouldn’t you?

When my personal world was in ruins, and everyone against me, I met an astrologer who created my astrological chart. He said my planets told the story of my life so strongly that one could read about me in astrology books.

4063515304?profile=originalHere’s my astrological chart.  Check me out.

From the first, my challenge has been to convince people that there is vastly more to human life than we realize, by placing my own life into the order of the universe.  How I was able to do this is in itself something worth knowing.  During the eleven years I spent writing my story, every morning, first thing, I wrote my thoughts on a yellow pad, later to type them into my word processor, which gave me the opportunity to move them around to connect with other thoughts, and finally to give me a picture of my life I never knew.

My experiences connect in a way that verifies the fact that we humans are selling ourselves short. For instance, on September 11, 2001, I was working on my book.  I thought of a biblical saying. I opened The Scofield Study Bible to find the reference and stopped at the Introduction. I had underlined “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view.” At that moment, the telephone rang. It was my wife calling from her office. She told me to turn on the TV.   What I saw was horrifying. To think that human beings could be provoked to do such a thing.

Many have placed the event as a message from Jesus; that we are our brother’s keeper.  A piece of wreckage forming a cross has been placed in the World Trade Center memorial building. (Lawyers are currently trying to get it removed. It’s a legal matter, something judges love to rule on.)  Notwithstanding the legal matter, under the term ordered liberty, let the World Trade Center be the reminder:  Religion is false unless the whole divine revelation is in view.  There have been many such messages in my life.  

I also underlined this on 9-11: “Distinguish the ages and the scriptures harmonize.”  We are entering the Age of Aquarius, an age when we become our brother’s keeper.  My astrologer told me that I’m Virgo with Aquarius rising, and able to see the future.  By the way, what I was looking up on 9-11 was, “Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find” (Matthew 7:7).

In 1975, I received a bigger than life calling that empowered me.  I’m convinced that our lives have far greater meaning than we realize.  It is not a theory; it is a fact.  By knowing ordered liberty, my dreams have all come true.

This is a crucial time. A teacher told a student that he could be arrested for saying bad things about Obama. German students were told they could be arrested for saying bad things about Hitler.  It may not be long before books like mine will be legally banned.  If you will but take the time to read the story of my life, perhaps you , too, will understand the true meaning of ordered liberty and be personally empowered.  In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 will be published this June.



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