Check out the flyer that I got from the Occupy organization...  They are considered a non-profit?   WTH!  Non-Partisan? Civic Action is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues. 

99% Spring action training FAQ

What are the 99% Spring action trainings?
Inspired by Occupy Wall Street and the fight for workers in Madison, Wisconsin, the 99% will rise up this spring. One hundred thousand people from across the country will gather in community centers, churches, schools, and homes April 9-15 to receive training on non-violent direct action. We will apply what we learned from these trainings to take action on our campaigns to win change in our communities. Click here to sign up to host a 99% Spring Training.

What will the training include?
The training will provide an opportunity to bring our movement together so that we can equip ourselves with the skills we need to take direct action this spring. Right after we are trained, we will apply what we learned by taking action against the banking industry and Wall Street with actions all across the country. The training will focus on three key areas:

  • The economy. We will tell the story of our current economy: how we got here, who is responsible and what we can do about it. We will talk about what a new economic vision could look like that represents the values of the 99%.
  • Non-violent direct action. Knowing our movement history will help us tell the current story of the 99%. There is no better way to take action then by learning what social justice movements have done in the past. We have a rich history to draw from that can guide us as we take action this spring.
  • Take action. We'll learn how to take action by developing and preparing for tactics that will help build our movement's power. We will then use this information to take action on our own campaigns to win change.

I just decided to host a 99% Spring training. What are my responsibilities?
Thank you! As a host, you'll need to find a venue, identify a trainer or trainer team, and  organize logistics. As the training approaches, you'll also want to make reminder calls to people signed up to attend your event. If you expect more than 50 people at the training, you might also want to ask a friend or a local organization to co-host the training with you.

If I sign up to host a training, am I also committing to lead the training? 
Yes. If your training is in a big city and you expect a lot of attendees, you'll want to find a co-trainer and participate in the "Train the Trainer" program. You should have one trainer per every 50 attendees.

How can I learn to lead the training myself?
There will be in-person regional trainings for trainers in 18 cities across the country on March 24 and 25. We'll follow up with more details soon. We strongly encourage you to attend these regional trainings. If you can't make it and we can't find a trainer to lead your event for you, there will also be a virtual training to participate in.

When should I organize my training?
The trainings are between April 9 and 15. Your training should begin no earlier than 10:00 a.m. and end no later than 9:00 p.m. In order to get the most out of the curriculum we suggest that you schedule either a full day training (7 hours) or a half-day training (3 hours). You will want to take this into consideration if you are planning to host an event in the evening on a weekday.

What kind of venue can I use?
It's best to use a public location that is centrally located in your community, like libraries, community centers, or churches. Trainings can also take place at a private residence. The goal is to train as many people in our communities as possible so please make sure that your venue can hold at least 25-50 people. If you are in a big city, you'll probably want a venue that can hold 100-200 people.

Can I post an event even if I don't have a venue?
Yes! Finding a venue is one of the first things you will want to do—but it's best to post your event in the online system so you can start receiving more information about the trainings. When you sign up for your event you will have the option to indicate where your venue will be held; you can use your own address as a placeholder. Once you identify a venue, you will want to change those details immediately.

Do I have to develop the training materials?
No, we will provide the curriculum training and content for you. There are many coalition organizations and individuals working together to develop the materials and trainings we will need so that our trainings have suitable content.

What organizations are part of the 99% Spring training? 
Click here for the full list:

How will I know if another group is planning a training in my area?
There is a team of organizers that will be reaching out to every event host. You will either receive a phone call or an email about other events in your area. You will receive a phone call from an organizer from one of the coalition organizations that are organizing the 99% Spring trainings.

Who should I contact with further questions?
You can reach out to the network you are affiliated with, member organization or organizer to get answers to your questions. You can also email

What is non-violent direct action?
Non-violent direct action (NVDA) is any form of direct action that does not rely on violent tactics. Some examples of NVDA are the Montgomery Bus Boycotts, the 2003 Immigration Freedom Rides, and most recently the Home Occupations, where community members occupy a home that is being threatened with foreclosure.


The following organizations have called for a 99% Spring: Jobs With Justice, United Auto Workers, National Peoples Action, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Civic Action, New Organizing Institute, Movement Strategy Center, The Other 98%, Service Employees International Union, Rebuild the Dream, UNITE-HERE, Greenpeace, Institute for Policy Studies, PICO National Network, New Bottom Line, United Steel Workers, Working Families Party, Communications Workers of America, United States Student Association, Rainforest Action Network, American Federation of Teachers, Leadership Center for the Common Good, UNITY, National Guestworker Alliance,, The Ruckus Society, Citizen Engagement Lab, smartMeme Strategy & Training Project, Right to the City Alliance, Pushback Network, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, Progressive Democrats of America, Change to Win, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Campaign for America’s Future, Fuse Washington, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, Citizen Action of New York, Engage, United Electrical Workers Union, National Day Laborers Organizing Network, Alliance for a Just Society, The Partnership for Working Families, United Students Against Sweatshops, Civic Action is hosting the online event registration process but is not responsible for the content or programming of the trainings or for the planning or organization of any specific actions. The 99% Spring is a collaborative effort between many organizations to train over 100,000 Americans in the basics of nonviolent direct action—not an electoral campaign.

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  • Sounds like T P ers need to sit in, be leaders and teach actual History

  • Go Roland!!!

  • I get those emails, too. Signed some obscure petition to get on their mailing list. I thought about checking more into the 'training' stuff so I would know more of what they're doing, I just don't know if I could lie well enough to fool them, lol. But maybe I will. Know thine enemy, right? 

  • There is little if anything noble about the OWS 501 C 4 or they'd be parked at the White House, the Solyndra's, GE, Al Gore's house, and Soros'.

  • So perhaps we should infiltrate and host or attend some parties?

  •  Hey Guys and Gals, Where's my buddy Steven???????

  •   No Steven please educate me with your full blown mind with swiss cheese in the middle. Let me ask you something my friend and I do not wish to insult your knowledge have you ever served your Country in far away places huh? So before you dare start knocking at my front porch will you make sure that your light is turned on yours please?

  • I say let them kill each other!   Then the military will come blow the shi--t out of walstreet lol

  • Never mind.  You are too dense to have a conversation with and I will not stoop to your level of ....  Kindly do NOT RSVP to this response, mr troublemaker. You believe, obviously, in the ad hominem attack method rather than discussing the issues civilly and politely.    

  •   Steven, When there showing them marching like a bunch of Nazis the likes of which we know and the Russian insignia then you call it what it is no? I've been there  to countries that turn Communistic it's not good! NEA is all about Power not our school children especially when they use them like little lambs to march for their causes please! This is just a Rerun of a movie I've seen before.

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