I took my question to the U. S. Supreme Court. Can the redistribution of personal incomes take away my personal liberty to survive on the fruits of my own labor? Amendment V to the Constitution states that I shall not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, which means without being heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. Amendment IX states: “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Do we not have an individual right to property?
Article III section 2 of the Constitution: “The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under the Constitution, the laws of the United States . . . to controversies to which the United States shall be a party.” The United States was a party in the taking of my property in the name of income tax.
26 U.S.C. section 7421 allows the taxpayer to constitutionally challenge his tax where (a) the tax assessment is an illegal exaction in the guise of a tax and (b) there are special and extraordinary circumstances sufficient to bring the case within some acknowledged head of equity jurisprudence.
In the case of the IRS taxing margarine the same as butter, section 7421 applied. The IRS lost. A public corporation won. Would not an individual be more protected by the Constitution than a public corporation, a legal entity? The U. S. Supreme Court has given the Communist Party U.S.A. constitutional protection. The U.S. Supreme Court has given mafia gamblers constitutional protection. Why not this born in America individual? In my case, it wasn’t the law being protected. It was the mighty being favored over the meek. The Supreme Court, lawlessly, as a matter of court policy, refused to hear my question. It was the same in the slavery issue. You can’t depend on empowered people making and keeping the law. That’s why the Constitution divided the power equitably between the three branches of government and the people.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue told the Court that the IRS made a mistake that had been corrected. The facts and evidence I presented did not support the Commissioner. After the fact, the IRS admitted on the front page of The Palm Beach Post that the mistake had not been corrected. The Supreme Court, as a matter of policy, refuses to hear the likes of me. Those frauds on the bench are denying the individual’s God-given rights.
Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee to the Supreme Court, specifically answers the question I raise. “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end?” Why did that unconstitutional socialist answer stick? The revered Roosevelt, did he revere my Constitution? No. Roosevelt: “While it isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.” The government has no duty to the individual. There is not one word about it in the Constitution. The Court’s test as to our inalienable rights, before Roosevelt, was that the very essence of a scheme of ordered liberty must have inalienable rights, by reason that neither liberty nor justice would exist if inalienable rights were sacrificed. Thanks to Roosevelt’s “duty”—to keep us from starving—inalienable rights have been abolished. Roosevelt replaced, by socialist standards, the Constitution, left the nation with the tyrannical notion it was government’s duty to do what is for the good of all, for whatever alleged good reason, including robbing the individual of his God-given right to exist.
Under Roosevelt’s duty to the individual, it was seen by the United States that it was very wrong for me to challenge its right to do what it determined was for the good of all. As a lesson, the IRS was permitted to put me on the street. What will be the next liberty to go as the cheese gets more binding? It is now government’s duty to grope us without probable cause. It is getting more scary all the time.
I thought my case, after being published on the front page of The Palm Beach Post in 1986, would get results. There was not one peep. The IRS is known to be above the law. We the people, the courts, Congress, and the President have accepted, for the good of all, that government must be free to tax our incomes by whatever amount is deemed to be necessary. Today, the issue is what is deemed to be necessary, knowing that more tax is bad for the failing economy. We are due for the biggest tax hike in history. I never could understand how Hitler took control in Germany. Now I know.
America is no longer a nation under God. Not only are we not our brother’s keeper in America, we are not our own keeper. The United States of America has conspired with the federal judiciary to strip the American people of all of their inalienable rights, and without protest, except from a few nutcakes like me. Thanks to the revered Roosevelt, government has a duty to you. How wonderful, but the question remains, has this change been good for America? One is inclined not to think so, not with the nation going bankrupt, morally, spiritually, and fiscally.
What if a million taxpayers had read their Constitution, had determined that federal income tax denied them of their constitutional rights, had taken their cases to court? The people, not the government, would have been in control. You read about tax protesters going to jail. Why didn’t I go to jail? I followed the law. I paid the tax and then took the IRS to court. Tax protesters take the law into their own hands. The law gives the individual the right to challenge the tax if he has a personal stake in the outcome. IRS misconduct, including violations of court orders, is the reason I got my case before the Supreme Court.
The American people have been suffering under the delusion that the Constitution guarantees their rights. The IRS told me that Congress has the right to tax my income up to 100 percent. You don’t know that. It isn’t talked. The federal judiciary backs this outrageous trespassing of rights. The federal judiciary allows the IRS to make limitless mistakes. America’s judges are Nazis in principle. What was I fighting for in World War II in Nazi Germany? I possess the irrefutable truth about the United States of America, but who gives a damn? You can’t sit back and enjoy life. It ain’t natural. You’ve got to demand your rights.
Osama bin Laden destroyed the World Trade Center and killed thousands of people as a lesson that you can’t eat, drink, and be merry. Osama blames the American people for allowing America to become a super corrupt super power. It wouldn’t have happened had government not decided that it had a duty to the individual. Jesus said you can’t serve two masters. You’ve got a duty to preserve your God-given rights. Jesus warned us of wolves in sheep’s clothing. He told us that on earth it was the same as in heaven. He told us the kingdom of God comes first. God is in us; our inalienable rights come first. The United States of America is in violation of the laws of God and man. Because we the people don’t know the law we are paying a terrible price.
And what a laugh, I’ve been accused of being a rock in the stream. Read what is taking place in Astrology books. For two thousand years, people have been impressionable and weak willed—drifting on the tides, influenced by external factors. Because we’ve been impressionable and weak willed, everywhere, wolves have seized the opportunity to lead us down garden paths. Here we sit at the threshold of a quantum leap forward afraid of change, and Osama wants to take us back to biblical times. We are now approaching the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity. My astrological chart says I’m Aquarius rising. You can read in astrology books that I envision a bright future.
Fact is stranger than fiction. Jesus told us that the meek would inherit the earth. There are no bounds in love. Jesus told us to love our enemy. Man was created with reason and logic, which is fundamental to the law. The law does not change according to political whim (to today’s needs, the frauds on the bench say). It amazes me why I know all of this and others don’t, or if they do one would never know it. Millions are being influenced by the likes of me, but don’t believe what I say. Hey Osama, I recommend that you read the Gospels in the Bible and decide for yourself whether I’m right or wrong. I say that Jesus is our savior and redeemer. I pray that you, Osama, help lead us to the new age at hand. Turn your outrageous religious beliefs into love of your fellow man. There is only one God. Accept the law of all times, that we are all God’s children. Indeed, invite Osama to be our guest. Let him build a mosque at ground zero as an emblem of brotherhood. Instead of the hunted, Osama would go down in history as one of the greatest peacemakers of all times. Why don’t we hear this kind of talk from our leaders? They are following our lead.