If you believe OWS is yet another minor social adjustment I fear you're wrong. Revolutions start with what Lenin called "useful idiots" revolting and as "we the sheeple" become preoccupied with news casts from across the country the powers that be; George Soros, Thug in Chief and their henchmen will bring order and take control. They play this for all it's worth and are now fabricating the excuse and justification to make a move. It follows an old Marxist/KGB script and Glenn Beck has revealed many times over how the regime has been instigating social unrest amongst their followers, i.e. "the useful idiots". 

Ask yourself what you will do when the regime declares Martial Law and unleashes Americorps on the citizens. Surely you have asked yourself where Americorps is and what they are doing, right? After all they received $6 billion just over a year ago, - and Thug in Chief did declare during the campaign he wanted a civil force as well equipped and trained as our military. Hitler had his street thugs and "Hitler Jugend", and now we have OWS and Americorps. Please connect the dots as history always repeats itself. 
Stock up on non-perishable foods, water, have means of defense, necessities and barter goods. If nothing else at least get 100 lbs rice as a starter.
I also highly recommend to read "Patriots" by James Wesley Rawles, "One Second After" by William Fortschen and watch the CBS series "Jericho" , - all very educational in what to expect coming our way, - and prepare for TEOTWAWKI. 


“It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” -Sam Adams 









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