By John W. Lillpop
Hello, America, are you awake and paying attention?
If not, now would be an excellent time to inform yourself so as to participate intelligently in the most crucial election in our nation’s history, now less than eight months away.
In this, the “Information Age,” a mouse, a broadband connection, a discerning mind, and a healthy disrespect for all politicians are vital requisites for ferreting out the truth, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
Armed with just those tools, the inquisitive soul would have been shocked to hear Obama cabinet members Panetta, Sibelius, and Chu testify before Congress this week and, in the process, trash the concept of US military sovereignty; expose the fact that contrary to promises, ObamaCare may actually increase the federal deficit, and reveal why the Department of Energy is being run by an leftwing elitist who thinks that $8 a gallon gasoline would be good for America.
To begin this sad journey, consider the remarks of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta as reported, in part, at reference 1:
Panetta Surrenders US Military Sovereignty:
Sibelius Exposes Lies About Cost of ObamaCare
As reported at reference 2, in part:
Chu Reveals Why He Could Care Less About Exploding Gas Prices
As reported in part at reference 3:
After listening to Panetta, Sibelius, and Chu, the big questions facing voters are: Are YOU in favor of ceding US military sovereignty, increasing the federal deficit, and $8 a gallon gasoline?
Or do you still love America?
Ref 1
Reference 2
Reference 3:
Hello, America, are you awake and paying attention?
If not, now would be an excellent time to inform yourself so as to participate intelligently in the most crucial election in our nation’s history, now less than eight months away.
In this, the “Information Age,” a mouse, a broadband connection, a discerning mind, and a healthy disrespect for all politicians are vital requisites for ferreting out the truth, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
Armed with just those tools, the inquisitive soul would have been shocked to hear Obama cabinet members Panetta, Sibelius, and Chu testify before Congress this week and, in the process, trash the concept of US military sovereignty; expose the fact that contrary to promises, ObamaCare may actually increase the federal deficit, and reveal why the Department of Energy is being run by an leftwing elitist who thinks that $8 a gallon gasoline would be good for America.
To begin this sad journey, consider the remarks of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta as reported, in part, at reference 1:
Panetta Surrenders US Military Sovereignty:
“During the hearing yesterday Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey brazenly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but that the United States is subservient to and takes its marching orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.
Panetta was asked by Senator Jeff Sessions, “We spend our time worrying about the U.N., the Arab League, NATO and too little time, in my opinion, worrying about the elected representatives of the United States. As you go forward, will you consult with the United States Congress?”
The Defense Secretary responded “You know, our goal would be to seek international permission. And we would come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress.”
Despite Sessions’ repeated efforts to get Panetta to acknowledge that the United States Congress is supreme to the likes of NATO and the UN, Panetta exalted the power of international bodies over the US legislative branch.
“I’m really baffled by the idea that somehow an international assembly provides a legal basis for the United States military to be deployed in combat,” Sessions said. “I don’t believe it’s close to being correct. They provide no legal authority. The only legal authority that’s required to deploy the United States military is of the Congress and the president and the law and the Constitution.”
Panetta’s assertion that he would seek “international permission” before ‘informing’ Congress about the actions of the US military provoked a firestorm of controversy, prompting the Pentagon to engage in damage control by claiming Panetta’s comments were misinterpreted.”
Sibelius Exposes Lies About Cost of ObamaCare
As reported at reference 2, in part:
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius. She testified before a Senate committee on the new national health care law this week and, in an exchange with Senator Ron Johnson (R – Wisc.), she admitted she really has no idea if Obamacare will save us money or cost us money. Well, that’s not all she admitted, but it was the first thing. We’ll get to the other ways she stumbled through Senator Johnson’s questions, but this is a good place to start. Here is a transcript of the exchange, from the Free Beacon:
“The bottom line here is, the cost of this healthcare law is so uncertain, don’t you think we ought to put the brakes on it?” Johnson asked. “You know, Nancy Pelosi said, ‘We have to pass this law to figure out what’s in it.’ What I don’t want to see is that we have to implement it to figure out how it’s going to bust a hole in our already horribly broken budget.”
SEBELIUS: The original estimate, yes. I think that’s–
JOHNSON: Right. So, the original estimate for deficit reduction–
SEBELIUS: I’m assuming–
JOHNSON: The original estimate for deficit reduction in the first 10 years was $143 billion, correct?
JOHNSON: So now we, we’ve reduced that $143 billion by $86 billion – by not getting revenue from the CLASS Act – and now $111 billion because we’ve increased the mandatory costs of the exchanges, correct?
SEBELIUS: I’m assuming the numbers are correct. I’m sorry I don’t have them.
JOHNSON: So, when you add those together, that’s $197 billion added to the first 10-year cost estimate of Obamacare, so now we are instead of saving $143 billion, we are adding $54 billion to our deficit, correct?
Chu Reveals Why He Could Care Less About Exploding Gas Prices
As reported in part at reference 3:
The big news yesterday was that Energy Secretary Steven Chu does not own a car. But his wife owns a 2002 BMW 325i, which gets 21 MPG, according to the Daily Caller. Why did Chu not get her to trade in the Beamer for a Chevy Volt?
Also, as a Cabinet secretary, he gets a security detail that drives him around in an SUV, most likely a Cadillac Escalade. We can mince around with words over whether he owns a car or not, but he is not taking public transportation, walking or riding a bicycle to get everywhere.
Craig Bannister of CNS said a senator asked Chu at a budget hearing if he owned a Chevy Volt.
Said Chu: “No, I don’t own a car at the moment.”
Why does he not own a Volt?
If as he says the Volt is such a great car — if as he says our use of oil is a bigger threat to national security than terrorism — why does Chu not own a car?
His answer indicates that he does drive. Why not lead by example?
In fact, why does the president not trade in The Beat Cadillac that he rides in for security reasons for a Chevy Volt? Could it be that this Motor Trend Car of the Year and European Car of the Year be a piece of crap that has no speed, no range and takes 10 hours to refill?
If Volts ain’t good enough for our hired help, why should we bother making Volts.”
After listening to Panetta, Sibelius, and Chu, the big questions facing voters are: Are YOU in favor of ceding US military sovereignty, increasing the federal deficit, and $8 a gallon gasoline?
Or do you still love America?
Ref 1
Reference 2
Reference 3: