A smiling black senior citizen proudly holding up the American flag Stock Photo - 2641982

Patriotism is the new " Black! "

This slogan arrived by Divine E-mail on the highway en route back to New Orleans after serving as a parade marshal for Journey For Justice 2012-an education march of otherwise solid Obama supporters protesting his education policy of closing urban public schools.

Their demands included firing his education secretary Arnie Duncan and an end to a host of urban public school closing  measures. 

I support school choice in theory but current application in too many majority Black school districts excludes local stakeholders.   

Journey For Justice 2012 wasn't disruptive nor stopping traffic on behalf of some imprisoned predator with liberal spin doctors painting him to be a " political prisoner. "

I'm an urban public school graduate so the topic, like Black opposition to Dem Crow, is near to my heart. They were an army of citizen-soldiers from America's most " hood " Hoods fighting to save neighborhood schools!

Saving neighborhood schools is a pretty conservative concept, as is patriotism. Black folks often have a love/hate relationship with America.

One must choose whether one loves ones country or not. This choice doesn't mean ignoring injustice nor blind obedience to whomever sits in the Oval Office.

As patriots Black folks claim our long contested citizenship and dethrone would-be overseers anxious to manipulate feelings of exclusion.

The flag; Mom and apple pie include us too!

A Black community with more practicing patriots means less chocolate klansmen  ( thugs ); sun tanned socialists controlling voters and infinitely more respect and quality of life.

Patriotism isn't about imitating others- it's about being our best selves and demanding the best from our institutions like this weekend's march; rally and meeting with federal education officials illustrated.

It's the new " Black. " Original posting.

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, THE HOOD CONSERVATIVE has a Face Book page he invites you to " like " along with asking anyone angry with our country to MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA and turn pain into patriotism. You can discuss this transformation by calling:

( 504 ) 214-3082
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