Personal Power

OBAMA LAWYERS: Americans legitimate targets in war on terror


In numerology, the number 8 represents assuming power, for now we’ve achieved personal responsibility for our lives. In the 8 cycle of numerology, recognition and financial rewards are bestowed in business. We now have reached the point when we can reap what we’ve sown.  We’ve learned to view life in broad terms. The quality of life expands to new plateaus, giving one more drive, more perseverance to go to the very top of whatever one chooses to do.  

Exploiting the envy of the unsuccessful, called class warfare, is the favorite way the makers and keepers of the law in America accomplish their goals.  Birds-of-a-feather flock together.

As defined in Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, the individual’s soul is his immaterial essence, animating principle or actuating cause. Once you are free to think for yourself, have awakened your soul, layer upon layer of awareness released, numerology defines as cycles of development, now that we’ve arrived at the personal power cycle, it goes back to fundamental law, which significantly involves personal discipline. This is the human’s unique ability to make sense.

I began with law professor Edward S. Corwin’s The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law.  Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle “advanced in Ethics the concept of ‘natural justice,’ ‘Of political justice,’ he wrote, ‘part is natural part legal—natural, that which everywhere has the same force and does not exist by people’s thinking this or that; legal, that which is originally indifferent. . .’ That is to say, the essential ingredient of the justice which is enforced by the state is not of the state’s own contrivance; it is a discovery from nature and a transcript of its constancy.”

The discovery that custom was neither immutable nor invariable even among the Greek city states impelled the Sophists to the conclusion that justice was either merely “the interests of the strong,” or at best a convention entered upon by men purely on considerations of expediency and terminable on like considerations. Ultimately, indeed, the two ideas boil down to the same thing, since it is impossible to regard as convenient that which cannot maintain, while that which can do so will in the long run be shaped to the interests of its sustainers.


What could be truer of America’s makers and keepers of the law?  “We are our brother’s keeper” is distorted by those who use their reasoning ability to empower themselves at everyone else’s cost. It’s as easy as falling off a log because the American people don’t know the law. This being the case, by knowing the law—and using it for my personal benefit—the powers that be were not prepared. They hung themselves with their own rope. 

Aristotle advanced this: “even the best of men in authority are liable to be corrupted by passion. We may conclude then that the law is reason without passion and it is therefore preferable to any individual.”

Never depend on the makers and keepers of the law to correct their wrongs. When you have a personal stake in the outcome, you remain with the right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. If you want your rights to be honored, you must demand and be prepared to legally fight for them, lest you spill your blood over your rights. Count on the end result to be for the good of all—as determined by the makers and keepers of the law.

So know this: no matter what they say, they are not in their positions of power and control to protect your God-given rights.

My life is good. In my experience, God helps those who help themselves. 

A lawyer told me it would cost big money to take my $1,500 tax issue to court, and even if I won, no judge would grant the lawyer more than a small fraction of his cost.  You don’t hire a lawyer to fight your tax issue unless it is big money.

What would the makers and keepers of the law do if 10,000 working people, because they had a personal stake in the outcome, took their tax issues to court?  If they knew the law, they could afford the cost.  It takes time and study, but it doesn’t take a brain to know the law regarding tax.  Surely, 10,000 taxpayers have a personal stake in the outcome.

Do you think Congress would remain doing nothing to solve the nation’s growing out of control spending problem if 10,000 taxpayers took their individual cases to court?  Would Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi be able to keep their fellow Democrats in line with President Obama, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Treasury, and all the other bureaucrats making life hard for the American taxpayer?   Would the Federal Reserve Bank and Wall Street be able to continue ripping off taxpayers?  Would the Republican leadership remain compromising on what they know is the wrong way to go?  Do you think the government would continue to allow illegal entrance of our land?  Do you think we would continue to keep a military presence in other nations? Do you think fraud, waste, and mismanagement would be tolerated? Do you think government workers and union workers would remain commanding far higher wages and benefits, all at the taxpayers’ expense?  Or do you think all of the above named abuses of taxpayers’ rights would turn politicians into representatives of the people if taxpayers employed the law? 

You don’t accept my thoughts? What other answer could there be?  As a student of the law, I’ve never read in the law that God guarantees you the right to be free. I’ve never seen it in practice. I can only conclude that God-given rights are yours to protect. If you don’t accept my thoughts, then you accept being used in whatever way those in control want to use you. You are a target for Obama's lawyers.  All I can say is good luck!

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