Anybody involved in any conservative movement these days, are radicals, if you were to believe the MSM and the liberally insane. Okay...whatever you say. Go take your meds, the guards will be here shortly to lock you up in your rubber room again.
The outright violence, vitriol and assaults committed by union thugs, and encouraged by their leaders, starting with Barack Hussein Obamalinsky and trickling down through people like Richard Trumka (not to mention a large number of Congressional leaders) is unprecedented in American history. Maybe I've got that wrong---trickling UP from the like of Trumka, et al, TO Obamalinsky might be more accurate.
Point being, we're in the perfect storm now, and the forecaster is Obama, the unions and Soros are the real storm. The globalists, anarchists, communists, Islamacists, facsists and all other "ists" that have longed for the destruction of the only free-market the planet has ever known, the only true beacon and example of human liberty, are all coming together in the culmination of a long thought-out strategy.
It's been an obsession of mine for many years as to why the contempt for liberty and dignity has always been so prevalent in the human psyche over many millenia. Even the most seemingly honorable people, those whom you might respect and emulate, seem to have at least a seed of the dementia. So what is it?
First thought---They're ***holes. Period. Not hard to get your mind around that one. Self-explanatory.
Now, more to the point. Perspectives from the bunker. That bunker being the patriot bunker, the TEA Party bunker, the really-tea'd-off bunker. Got an e-mail last night from a fellow who had been getting our weekly alerts, etc., from our local TEA Party organization. Don't know how he got on there, or why, if his tone was any clue. He basically said "Take me off your list. I don't want any editorializing. I quit doing that. I want solutions. If you're going to be a leader, then lead."
So I wrote him back, very respectfully, and informed him that if he had been paying attention to our e-mails, he would have seen that we are very active in forming new groups, have organized a number of educational summits etc., with Americans For Prosperity, and Joel Foster, among others, and have a huge seminar coming up in April festooned with nationally-prominent speakers, numerous break-out sessions and training programs. We DO offer solutions. But we can't lead those who don't want to do anything. We can "editorialize", because the times, they are a'changing fast, Conversation can be illumination, and the arena of ideas must never be silent. If anything, we need to be louder, and at the same time, more informed. For me, a good rant is packed full of statisticts, commentary, and various points of view, culminating in a crescendo of inspiring oratory that has blown away all the lies and vapors of deceit.
But that's just me.
So we're in this time-frame, and it's being defined FOR us, not BY us, and the structure of it's definition began a very long time ago, by very evil men. Think 1846, or thereabouts. Communist Manifesto. Social revolution. Social "justice". It began even before that. Way before that.
See Genesis chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6. Then read the entire story. That should explain just about everything, if you have an eye to see and an ear to hear.
Then read the Federalist Papers. Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and all the correspondence of our Founding Fathers that you can lay your hands on. That, fellow patriots, is our true BUNKER, where we can hunker down, re-group, and come out shooting.
If that analogy offends you, try not to choke on your spit-balls.
God Bless the United States of America! God Bless all of you Patriots!