please read

Through all the rhetoric and rumor and posting one thing must be retained by every human being on this planet.  This "unfortunate truth" is undeniable.  It has been proven out over the past four years again and again.  That truth is, "if Barak Obama and the current make up of the United States Congress remains in power for another term Freedom worldwide will cease to exist and there will be wars never before seen on earth".  This election will not solve all the problems but it will buy civilized people a little more time to defeat the evil we have allowed to enter our home.  If you are one who believes in God and values morality and Freedom.
You will vote Obama and most Democrats out of office until both parties can offer Honorable alternatives and we can change the way our elected people are allowed to behave.  The American people must get in control of their government for the world's sake.  We must not be the ones who let the beacon go out!

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