All the prospective candidates hire experts who specialize in political imageing, they will mold the candidate into an image that will satisfy the political establishment.

So how much of the real person are we allowed to see.  Sarah Palin tried to rebel against the hiding her light under a bushel full of political gambits, for some reason the political excperts dont want us to know much about a candidates core values. what do we know about the real Newt Gingrich, He has been in the political arena for so long, does he know where and what the real Newt Gingrich is all about or has the real Newt Gingrich been buried in politics for so long it no longer exists. What do we know about the real Mitt Romney, he has been on a merry go round for so many years, does Mitt Romney even know what the real Mitt Romney is all about.  What do we know about Ron Paul, we know he is an extreme Libertarian, but what does an extreme anything know about the realities of life as we know them to be. An extremist always lives in a single dementioned dream world so how could he be real to the extent that we could ever know about the real Ron Paul. The same can be said about Santorim, Huntsman, Pawlenty, etc.  They have all been politically imaged to the point that we can't know them.

But when I see and listen to Michele Bachman, I get the sense that what I see  and hear  is the real deal she   speaks  and carries herself in a manner consistent to the core beliefs that she so eloquently express's.  I do not beleive that there can be any doubt about where she is coming from.  I hope and pray that she will not allow herself to be politically imaged by the so called experts because I like and admire what I see.

Oboma has been politically imaged to the point that even he does not know who or what he is and his hypocritic behavior shows it.

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