
The power drive exists in all sentient life—the power to survive. Power and intelligence are not related. Power is the law of the jungle; intelligence recognizes Higher Law. In humans, the power to survive is tempered with intelligence.

The ancient Egyptians were mathematicians. They were intelligent. But they thought up a pyramid with geometric dimensions to comply with their religious belief. Their pyramids were the tombs of their kings, the pinnacle of power pointing to heaven.

The writers of America’s Constitution had for their basis the will of the people, an upside-down pyramid, the pinnacle of power pointing to the people and Higher Law. The law was king in America’s Constitution. In the First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof,” this wording was specifically to prevent government from dictating a religion, the very reason that Europeans migrated to America. The reason for those words has been distorted to mean separated church and state. Under such reasoning, American courts have been ruling that we the people may make no mention of God in public places or in public buildings.

The first thing Hitler did was to replace God with himself. Secondly, he condemned all of those of the Jewish religion to death. Hitler’s was The National Socialist Party. In Marxist class warfare, there is always the scapegoat. In America, the scapegoat is the greedy rich cheating the poor out of a decent existence. Actually, what allowed Hitler to take control of Germany was out of control spending and printing press money. The German mark became worthless. Hitler had the solution. Germany’s industry was 90 percent owned by Jews. Kill the greedy Jews; take over industry; build a war machine; take control of the world. Hitler was demonstration of raw power devoid of intelligence.

In reading the Gospel According to St. Matthew, I didn’t read that Jesus preached a religion. To the contrary, he preached against the religious practices of Jewish Scribes and Pharisees. For doing this, Jesus was crucified. We have good reason to be highly concerned about the twists and turns America’s government is making, and especially President Obama. He is talking about “collective salvation.”

The cross represents the individual’s freedom to worship God in his own way, according to Jesus, as long as the individual does not do to his brother that which he would not want done to himself. “Collective salvation” is primitive, raw power devoid of intelligence, the diametric opposite of the American way.

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  • A Christian correctly called me a secular humanist. I'm someone who promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrines. Therefore, let me say that I'm not a player. It allows me to know the truth when I read it, hear it, or experience it. It all began when I started looking within for my answers. I saw the light of the world.
  • Joe - If we could replace Hilter with a different name Progressive or Obamanism people who understand that we are dealing with a something bigger then political parties. It is a global party using instead of Christianity, but Mohammidism/radicalism to acquire power. The political parties are out of their league. This is an issue of Americanism and Hedonism (Progressive). The religious players are Christianity and Islam.
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