PRAY with me please as you read this, we are gathered you and I with Jesus on this,
" Father in Jesus name we come to you and ask that you intervene with your Spirit in all the seats of the governments to bring revival to the office holders and those in authority over us and turn their hearts to your perfect truth through Jesus Christ and away from evil; the same for elections, law, enforcement and justice, media, entertainment, sports, internet, businesses, finance and banking, military, health care, illegal drugs, education, arts and sciences, foreign affairs and contracts, immigration, energy, sovereign debt, and any area you know of we have not listed here that needs your loving redirection. We exercise our authority in Christ to bind satan and his demons from taking over our nations and loose the power of God to end open sin forced on us; to return to us governments that protect families and life; to end theft by governments, businesses, the rich and poor and all people, taken from those who work, to use for their selfish gain and self promotion. Bring repentance, brokenness, gratitude, praise, and peace to all who have turned to their own way. Restore our families. Bring revival to our nation and our hearts and let us serve you and help those who do not know you find you. AMEN".