President Obama? Get Real

Only 11 percent of the American people approve of Congress. And sadly, your president, under pressure of “the party of no”—Republicans who don’t want anything Democrats want—is showing his desperation. At a loss of what to do to save the day for Democrats, he’s becoming juvenile in his remarks. I thank you Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. You’ve done the country a real service. You’ve given us the wake call that was lacking.

No question about it, Republicans are on a wave, but how do we bring the nation together? Bush didn’t. That’s the question. Before the needed change can take place, we must be made to realize that over the ages we have progressed. As we progress, our purpose increases. Thus, we are more aware of our failures, more determined to make the needed corrections.

Now we know that Obama doesn’t have answers; he’s a divider. The progressive movement, anything but progressive, is clearly bankrupting the United States. We must first stop spending our way out of the problem politicians created. But merely mention changing government entitlements brings howls of protest. Changing government worker’s pensions, even if they are bankrupting states, bring howls of protest. Reducing defense costs is unthinkable. America’s defense spending equals what all the rest of the world put together spends on defense. Anything but progressive, it’s outrageous what the politicians have done to us. After government entitlements, worker pensions, and defense spending, the rest of government expenditures is a drop in the bucket. At the rate we are going now we will soon be spending all of our tax money on government entitlements and interest of the national debt. When the people lose all sense of personal responsibility, first bankruptcy, then dictatorial control, America is on the brink of becoming another banana republic. With Obama’s Marxist revolutionary inner sanctum Glenn Beck of Fox News has exposed, he has already put the system in place. Obama, the divider, could not wait to cram a trillion dollar economic stimulus his inner sanctum wrote down our throats. It simply helped his political interests; it failed to help the economy. And that isn’t all, against the majority, Obama crammed down our throats Obamacare. The cost to employers is discouraging to economic growth. Absolutely, the economy, in spite of what Obama says, is worse off now than when Obama took office. This socialist tyrant in disguise has an ominous bureaucracy ready to pounce on industry. Tax the rich is the same as tax the employer out of his profit. Why hire people when government stands poised to grab the profit. Currently, it’s the blind leading the blind.

Like everything else government does these days, federal income tax is thousands of pages of ambiguous finagling, a shell game designed to make it appear to tax the rich when in fact it is designed to help the richest of the rich, like George Soros, maintain control. They get tax breaks no one else gets and in return finance political races. As a consequence, the guy you vote for is more than likely the guy who stabs you in the back.

The way to beat the biggest fraud of all times is a tax on spending to replace federal income tax. Wall Street pirates could either spend their ill-gotten incomes on themselves and be taxed accordingly or invest the loot they pirate away from the little guy in the economy which helps us all. There would be no incentive to buy politicians, at least for a time. The richest of the rich would have to begin again devising ways to favor themselves at everyone’s expense. They will always find ways. You can’t stop them.

But what a shame that Obama wants to take from the rich and give to the poor. He lives in the past. We find ourselves with all manner of assets. High tech has made it possible for the individual to do a hundred times the work that the individual could do a hundred years ago. You can talk all day about greedy capitalists, but what has this government leech done other than suck the life out of the economy? We should all be living like millionaires. Common sense says to say no to all politicians. The welfare state benefitting only one generation, this government invented Ponzi scheme we endure leaves future generations to bear a heavier and heavier tax burden, and the present generation screaming bloody murder.

The best way to stimulate the economy and job creation is to phase out entitlements and invest in the economy. Redistribution of income stimulates government growth, and government workers to redistribute what the economy produces. Who needs this?

We know now that it was a no-win transformation—all for himself and the shaft for you and I Obama wanted. He’d rather encourage the Mexican vote than protect the American people from Mexico’s out of control crime. Give me a break! Call me racist if you will, but let Obama take a permanent vacation—play golf all day every day; either that or ride the man out of office on a rail.
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