Priorities have always been a focus from Day 1 of the Tea Party movement, and every other Patriot movement in the real world since '08, some before that time. The focus has often differed from region to region, usually according to time constraints, localization of issues and a whole slew of other factors.
Recently, the shift in priorities has begun to morph into a more codified, cohesive goal; the DECISIVE DEFEAT of Obama in '12. I don't think any of us really underestimate the challenges we face going forward, but at the same time, I seriously doubt we fully understand the scope of the machine we're up against, and to be ill-informed is to be unprepared, and that is not something that wins on the battlefield of ideas, or any other battlefield. Lest any are tempted to be deluded that this is NOT a battlefield, in the most basic and fundamental sense of the word, we need to look closely to where the adversaries come from, strip away their "armor" and lay their agenda out in plain sunlight.
That shouldn't be too hard to do, because they are doing it in large part, FOR us.
The best, most judicious thing that could happen would be for the Usurper and every single one of his cronies in the White House and Congress be arrested for a multitude of crimes that are plainly identified in the United States Code of Justice well before November 2012 rolls around...there are MANY that have dedicated immeasurable amounts of time and financial resources towards this end...tip of the hat and a hearty salute, you know who you are :)...but to no avail as of this date. Not for lack of trying, but due to a fundamental break-down in the administration of, and recognition of, our Rule of Law and basic morality. American exceptionalism has been thoroughly co-opted and perverted by Union Thuggism...the biggest thug of them all currently usurping OUR White House with his handlers and Union Marxists in tow...
"President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these sons-of-bitches out and give American back to an America where we belong" sang Teamsters leader James Hoffa recently. He insists that the Tea Parties are "carrying out a war on workers." That would be funny, if not for the fact that right now it's hard to FIND any workers other than government union workers...
and at that same speech, just moments later Barack Hussein Obama took the stage and PRAISED the unions, saying absolutely nothing about such inflamatory and dangerous rhetoric. You can take the boy out of the Chicago slums, but you can't take the Chicago slums out of the boy, it appears...or Kenya, for that matter...
Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO bone-cruncher and self-avowed communist, has bragged repeatedly in public about having unprecedented access to the White House...which should tell you just about all you need to know about the inhabitants of the White House.
It was announced this past June that Chicago will host the next NATO and G-8 summits next spring, tentatively set for May 15-22. These two meetings will coincide for the first time together since they were held in London in 1977 simultaneously. This should be fun; remember all the fevered hysterical speculation I'm so well known for about Obama declaring martial law before November 2012 and suspending the elections?....Has anyone forgotten the WTO events in 1999 in Seattle, where rioting erupted into complete mayhem with more than 40,000 protesters literally torching the city? It became known as "The Battle of Seattle." Or the violent protests in Genoa, Italy during the 2001 G-8 summit? Pittsburgh in 2009 for the G-20? It's always the same bad actors---international communists and anarchists and spoiled American brats with nothing to do but appease evil while twittering their I-pods with daddy's money.
And now we've also got the OWS crowd, and if the disease and filth doesn't kill them all first, I would expect them to be holding out for the festivities as well, with Obama's tender ministerings, as he is irrevocably tied to every single bad actor sponsoring this madness.
Just for starters, the following sponsor OWS, and most of them also were instrumental in the funding and planning of all the other riots in the last 40 years: Barack Hussein Obama, with ties going back to the 1980's to such groups as; the Tides Foundation; Chicago Woods Fund, with co-chair William Ayers, which funded AAAN-Arab American Action Network; Democrat Socialists of America; Communist Party USA; Rashid Khalidi & wife Mona, head of the AAAN (they used to baby-sit the Obama's young daughters, FYI); Code Pink; Nancy Pelosi; Harry Reid; Vice-President Joe Biden; ACORN and Wade Rathke; the Midwest Academy & radical Heather Booth ( her husband Paul was co-founder of the SDS-Students for a Democratic Society, from which the Weather Underground and William Ayers & wife Bernadette Dhorn grew from); Young Organizers Development Program; Organizing for America...running out of room here...the list goes on...Teamsters; AFL-CIO; SEIU; Stephen Lerner (SEIU mobster); Congressional Black Caucus;---there's more, like the Nazi Party, and another entire list of certifiable nut-cases that have been legitamized by this "government" under the guise of diversity and multiculturalism.
THIS is what-and who- WE ARE UP AGAINST.
Former 60's radical David Horowitz writes in his pamphlet "Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution, The Alinsky Model": The strategy of working within the system until you can accumulate enough power to destroy it was what '60's radicals called "boring from within..." Like termites, they set about to eat away at the foundations of the building in expectation that one day they could cause it to collapse." At the 2008 Democratic National Convention, Alinsky's son, L. David Alinsky, praised Barack Obama for stirring up the crowd "Saul Alinsky-style", proclaiming "Obama has learned his lesson well". (Boston Globe)
Need I say more?