Ever wonder why people gather to protest the intentions of our leaders? Do we believe our voices and sign are seen and heard by the protested? Could be. Policies we protest sometimes get stopped or slowed down but are the policies really the only problem.
Our President is, well a marxis. He was before he became president, while he was running for president, and remains one. Why is it that in this nation, a radical leftist can run the greatest, most free and most opportunistic nation in history?
When I watch nature shows with lions taking down a zebra, I think, it sucks to be that zebra. I may imagin myself in the role of that zebra and think that the lion is a terrible menace. But then I come to reality and know the lion is what it is.
I see our liberal leaders kind of the same way. They are what they are. They have a game changing goal that I think is terrible and do not want are nation transformed into a stagnent socialist, statist or marxist nation. While protesting at the steps of the capital building is very necessary, we MUST look at the source. BHO would not be where he is if he did not have the backing of our media. We say, 'media bias' then go on sniveling about what is being done to use. The media will just marginalize our efforts and call us racists or extremists.
I have the best idea in the whole protesting world. Instead of.... NO on top of protesting with a million people at the capital build steps, lets gather outside the headquarters of cbs,abc,nbc,cnn, and nyt and demand truth and a fair depiction of the view of the elected officials.
2012 slogan (WE THE PEOPLE)