So, people still insist on despeculating the Bible and its prophetic
utterances of the truths happening all around us every day and they're
getting worse all the time. Not relenting to the Clarion Call upon and
within their lives to wake up and smell the coffee pot of time and space
swinging and swaying all over the place like a drunken pendulum.
Still, the Word continues to go out over each and every door post in this
land we live and all turn their heads and cross their eyes at the truth
slapping them in the face nearly every fleeting moment.
When or will they wake up and know for a certainty and with truthful
obedience to the Creator that what He said is truth, it's happening all
around us. Step up to the plate, open the eyes to see, yearn the Heart
to know, and unstop their ears to hear what His Word has been telling
them the entire time.
Then most will say to me: Spell it out! Speak English! Give it to me straight!
And beloved, I'd like nothing better than to do just that. But, the other voices
at large speaking big fancy words, enticing all to entertain their little ungodly
motives, have left everyone blinded, deaf, dumb, and scared. To imagine just
one thing for ourselves we're given the old soft shoe of legalism from the pulpits
to the tarpits, and no-one longs to know the truth, embellishing it into another
brand of religiocity.
So, I wrote a book about it and hoping like all get out it becomes a hit. That the
mass buy it, put it to use within their lives and grow in the wisdom of God.
But God told me one day when in angst I'd continued calling unto Him for His
help to this very likelihood of my pursuit to become an average normal bread
winning success story on the face of life. He said: My book's been around for
how long? If they haven't read mine, what makes you think that they'll even
read yours?
Point taken!
So it goes. You want help, its there.
You want freedom and security, its there.
You want that your needs are met and success is real and achievable? It's there.
But; when is all this wanting going to stop and we all get busy and just Be That!?
He is not moved by needs, wants, wishes, hand outs nor ups.
God is moved by a Right Relationship with Him and our Obedience unto Him
to know His will, seek His Face, Hunger and Thirst for His Right Righteousness.
That's God for you. Know Him, get R' done!
Keep putting Him off, sucks to be you in eternity.