Questions & Answers (

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 10:06 PM
Subject: Tea Party Inquiry


As I read about the Tea Party movement, I have a few questions.

Does the Tea Party have a position on what, if anything, our government should do to help Americans have access to quality healthcare? I am guessing that the Tea Party would be opposed to the recent legislation on health care. If the Tea Party is against increased government spending, I would guess that would be a reason to oppose health care legislation. Also, I suspect that health care, which is not guaranteed by the the US Constitution would be opposed on constitutionality basis. Does this mean that our government should do nothing to help it's poorer or sicker citizens to get health care?

The Tea Party supports policies of aggressively seeking out and deporting illegal aliens. Does this mean hiring more workers and spending more money? How would Tea Party go about this? Would they enact laws designed to make employers and landlords criminally liable for employing and housing illegal aliens? How would such a law be enforced? Would the Tea Party spend money to build a taller fence or wall with our Mexican border? How about spending more money on border security?

Exactly which items would the Tea Party cut? Social Security? Medicaid / Medicare? FDA?

Which items would the Tea Party increase? Defense for one, I assume. Homeland Security?
Dear Inquirer,
What was the effect of the Government breaking up the monopoly of the Telephone companies? We are not using a reasonable argument for the issues that you bring up. The political parties have manipulated policies to give selective companies and industries monopolies. The result is increase cost and decrease services it is the typical effect of monopolies. We are in a game that never solves the problems, it is a maze and we are tricked time and time again.
There is no mechanism that is more efficient than competition. Nature demonstrates that and so does capitalism. The drawback on capitalism is when we allow the establishment of monopolies. I personally equate a monopoly as a kingdom that will exist in pertuity. Since the Declaration of Independence clairfies that we the people are sovereign then we can not allow establishment of kingdoms. Our founding fathers were reluctant to the formation of corporation for only selective endeavors and temporary in nature (until project was completed). Once the patriarch of a family dies the wealth was distributed to the heirs fostering rejuvenation and competition.
However, the perpetual nature of corporations would be opposed by the founding fathers. The question is can we develop a hybrid model that fosters competiton and I believe that once prominence (monopoly) is achieve, then the business unit must divided to create competiton. The concept of being too big to fail is contrary to our system of goverance. It is the socialization of our nation and permits inefficient models remains a drain the economy.
All social programs need to be looked at as a monopoly and government could regionalize these programs to create a model of efficiency. I've proven that government can increase service and reduce cost. This is called a paradyne shift, however, we eliminate innovation in government programs to facilitate government waste to ensure the politician can skim off the top and remain in office. Why do we pay more for drugs, services, etc., all we have to do is follow the money trail. Each side has its own benefactors, however, the little guy gets screwed.
I would increase personal freedoms. I would want to ensure that our citizens are not victims of bad business practices, bad government and weak military to maintain our sovereignty. Research would indicate that both parties are guilty of divulging military secrets. I would be zenophobic on technologies that ensure our continuity of a nation of free people (Republic). It is the responsibilities of other nations to mimic a Republic form of Government. A Republic is the most stable system of government if lead by a moral people. I don't care how you get your morality, I'm a Christian and it is my standard. It is tolerant of other beliefs and is a foundational basis of our founding fathers and the institutions they developed.
Dale Robertson
Tea Party Founder
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  • I see from your questions that you've been brain washed. What was it like before the government became our caretaker. I'm certain you would not know. In the 1950s I paid $25 per month for health care insurance for a family of five. Hospitals charged $25 a day for a room. A visit to the the doctor cost $5. Doctors made house calls. They cost $10. It's called the law of supply and demand. What if a haircut was a "right?" What do you think it would cost? Do you have a "right" to food,clothing, and shelter, even if you choose not to work? Obviously, you don't use your mind.
  • Albert,

    Please send inquiries like this via message. I have to communicate with many people and I agree we should make it easier not harder. There are many pieces to the puzzle and it all starts with communication. I do appreciate your 2 cents, but blogs are not the right vehicle for personal messages and if it has merit I can have someone look into it and develop a course of action. Dale
  • Hello Dale,
    I wiuld like to put my two cents in on this web site. Can we make our web site
    like NumbersUSA and Act for America ? With a ACTION BOARD to send faxes to
    Congress and a place for members to sign petitions. After being checked by our Leagle Dept. and volunteers. And keep up with the news each day.
    Then the Tea Party could make a statment. Thanks, ARF
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