Race Baiting and Double Standards
by Toddy Littman
A little something on racism due to Allen West leaving Congessional Black Caucus:
Mr. West has done what is necessary in joining a group he knows he has nothing in common with but the color of his skin, a small affirmation of the historical claims made by this caucus in having the modifier "black" in its name.
It is a repulsive hypocrisy to the intellect to regularly require a racial identity modifier to every organization, even religious beliefs "Black Liberation Theology," while saying "we must get rid of racism."
There may have been a time that such modifiers were necessary, just as there may have been a time when the "n-epithet" was necessary as a form of identity amongst people similarly situated, though today, as Elizabeth Hasslebeck tried to explain, this seems out of touch and provides no opportunity for us to bridge the divide.
This, to me, is a perfect illustration of racists explaining their right to be racists, to carve out an exclusivity for themselves based on race, to want equality in the midst of screaming, "but this you can't touch," which only perpetuates the negatives and stereotyping. This n-epithet is erroneously being used as one word to state an entire history, based on the idea that all of one particular skin color, without exception, have suffered at the hands of white slavery. This is the tone, the mind, the cult side of Progressivism, of those remaining on the Democrat Plantation and who will vote democrat no matter what happens, irrespective of the truth of the situation: That African-Muslims were the largest source of slaves. Emmitt Smith learned, , in his "Who do you think you are" genealogical adventure that was on NBC, that the same people who sold his ancestors into slavery are carrying on this ancient business.
This truth must be repeated at all costs, that it was these African Muslims in Africa who sold their own people into bondage, and it is also this fact that the n-epithet is used to ignore; the "n-word" the way to never have to actually know the truth of history, and is also the left arm that hangs over the ear of the rose colored glasses of Progressivism in a persistent imprisonment for Utopian equality, all giving rise to another slave-master at the cost of the Honor of their ancestors true desire for freedom, vengeance.
Let us hope more come to terms with idea of us being in one World, one reality, instead of trying to keep a second world, an imaginary reality of ancestors we never knew alive, a reality of anguish, fear, and pain, that has only been exploited by others because it is a weakness that can be used divisively for political purposes.
I regularly consider if the slaves who wanted freedom as badly as Our Founders did from the peonage imposed by the Crown Heads Of Europe, are looking at their posterity and fuming, angry that these cannot see that freedom of the kind the master had is what they wanted, not a freedom according to government's permission and allowance, A freedom to access the opportunities available to all through private property rights that assured no central power government holding it all, and knowing they too can use the Constitution to enforce limits on government, not for some subset of "Civil Rights" entirely reliant on government's recognition of them.
And I am sure these slaves knew that their freedom would be for nothing if they were just being "adopted" by a new master named, "Government," or were to carry on the political continuation of the Plantation by supporting the the fire-hose carrying "Dixiecrats."
But just like we're removed from the oppression Our Founders endured which has led us astray from comprehending the meaning of Our Written Constitution (see first few pages of "To discipline & Punish" by Michele Foucault for a detailed account), so too have the modern generations of African-Americans who have risen on the basis of color alone, as shown by their need for "black" as a modifier, have went astray. This is the folly to efforts claiming a historical even the entire heritage of a particular ethnicity in one word whose receiving generation may have misunderstood and misconstrued the larger meaning as applying to all, and therefore, are now the ones, who by claim of "took it from those who used it and made it ours" are the racists now.
This "n-word" was used for all classes of people who were not politically represented, and the reason is, that taxation was once a very limited specie of governments actions, and that is because the people of this nation knew that government isn't entitled to revenues, that the authority to tax must be earned by using the tax paid to accomplish the Will of The People according to a strict schedule, Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, without usurpation. The people and government both knew they were subject to our rescinding the powers granted if they violate Our Written Instrument instituting this government, Our Written Constitution.
You'll find the following accounting term a good means to discover the whole and accurate meaning of this "n-word," historically: "niggardly." -- A term used occasionally in public, and even then erroneously charged as a racist term, whose root exposes that the term never had anything to do with race, until a race tried to claim it as theirs, and fostered racism.
Sensitive issue? Yes it is. Does it have to be? No, it doesn't, but for those wanting to use it to divide & conquer, by exploiting a people and their history as a source of such division, which is a sort of 3rd party exploitation of the rest of the nation. The racism itself being exploited for political purposes is only obvious at the next point in time where the "racist" accusation is thrown, if we don't get caught in the emotional charge that comes with it.
Mr.West, overall, has taken great steps forward in the truth of and ending all of this in his being a military man, a conservative aware of government's duty to the Constitution, and running as a republican. To me, Mr. West is carrying Honor in all of America even further forward when he leaves the Congressional "Black" Caucus, certainly an organization based on racism by its own terms. In fact, race based caucuses are the epitome of racism by their mere existence, at least today.
It's just like Whoopie in the above clip kept telling Elizabeth what Elizabeth must understand, while not actually having a way to go forward that included what Whoopie needed to understand: use of a specific word, phrase, or term by a particular race or group, as a reserved use, that's never to be questioned, while making sure to watchdog all other users of the same term, is promotion of racism and empowering government over the people as a censor of their Free Speech.
Apologize for length, but there is no escaping that naming something with the term "Black" in it, for purposes of racial identification, is racism, and it seems to me this must be said and never ignored again.