"Real" Americans

From: Critic

Subject: "Real" Americans

It is funny how in 2010 there are still people who claim to be proud of Americans and know nothing about this nation's history. America has ALWAYS been a multiracial country. The moment Europeans stepped foot on what is now the US they joined, for worse and better, with Indigenous nations, and brought Africans with them. From this trio came the modern nationalities and ethnicities of North and South America.

The sad part I find about most White people in the US is that the majority have no history with this American story. Unlike millions of Latinos (American and Immigrants) and American Blacks. Most White Americans families are recent arrivals to this continent, most within the last 150 years. And these people have the nerve to tell people like me whose families have endured the tumultuous five decades what and who is America? Funny indeed.

Dear Critic,
It is presumptuous and shortsighted to believe that people of different race, creed or color have not suffered. It is the sufferring of people from the four corners of this planet that has lead them to this land. Those who desire power will seek to remove the opportunity from those that do not have it.
This movement is not selective. The mission statement clearly states this, "...political organization that will bridge the gap of all parties, in particular Democratic and Republican Parties. It will welcome all peoples and ideological perspectives, with the intent to streamline government and adhere to the Constitutional Rights addressed in the U.S. Constitution...". This movement is about Americans having their interest heard vice the special interests. It is less of control from a central organization/ruler, etc., therefore, every area in our nation will be different based on the constitutents that make up that segment of society. It is about expanding our freedoms not removing our freedoms.
Dale Robertson
Tea Party Founder
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