This is indeed a time of the year for which we Americans should be consciously aware of all we have. The original Americans who created Thanksgiving Day had little more than their lives for which to be thankful. Who is this mass of humanity in America, and what is it they want out of life, being led by Marxists, led by one-world billionaire stock market gambler George Soros? Even in light of the results of the recent election, this mass of humanity is angry at the President they elected for capitulating to the Republicans. It tells us what we need to know. It is not as though they didn’t get something in return for giving up on raising taxes on the rich in a recession. They got an extension of unemployment pay.
Marxist Pelosi says unemployment pay is help for the recession. Right. It gives the unemployed money to spend—someone’s money who worked for it. Actually, they are being handed funny money, notes of indebtedness future generations will have to pay.
Marxism and Islam are kindred. Both Marxism and Islam are especially designed for the hopeless and the helpless. With both, anything for American independence is bad. The freedoms we’ve lost in this generation is appalling. In the interests of the least of us, long-held values are being watered down.
Rather than protect the American people, the United States of America is putting up signs on highways that we are entering at risk American soil controlled by illegal Mexicans. The Obama Administration is suing Arizona over a law that allegedly profiles Mexicans. The United States of America is so hyper about profiling that rather than profile people with the appearance of Islamic terrorists, those who bring airplanes down every time, Obama people are groping all air travelers. This is by far the greater of the wrongs.
Look at the weak economy, managed from Washington. Printing trillions of dollars of phony money—to save the economy, we’re told. The Federal Reserve is driving the nation into bankruptcy. Look at the favoritism federal judges show for the federal government over states and individuals. By executive order, we are now about to see Obama severely limit free speech.
Benjamin Franklin was a “have not” before becoming famous. He lived in England for several years and saw welfare programs in operation. He had considerable to say about “public charity.” He called it counter-productive compassion. The American people are looking more at what the Founding Fathers put in place, limited government. The individual was endowed by his Creator with inalienable rights.
Countering the Marxist carrot and stick approach, the Obama approach, more Americans are becoming spiritually inclined, moving away from the Church’s dogmas and doctrines, moving away from Marxist government. More are interested in astrology. Astrology says we are moving toward our spiritual selves.
What comes around goes around. The founders of America held for the state of nature, the background of our American Constitution—actually, to put it in the latest scientific terms of understanding, for universal consciousness, which has for its basis reason and logic. The poor vote for Democrats, who say they want to take from the “greedy” rich and give to the poor. What do the poor give us, other than a burden to bear? The rich give people jobs. Politician give unemployment pay. Marxists build their fences to keep people in. Free enterprise has people trying to get in. With the rich going where they can make a profit, bankrupt California is an example.
The Weimer Republic of Germany, after printing its funny money, after the consequence, hyperinflation, watched helplessly as the Third Reich took over Germany and ignored their Constitution. Give me one good reason why a communist government could not take over the present America without a shot being fired.
The right for the individual to manage his own life takes nothing from anyone; it gives something no government can give, the incentive to build one’s life without interference. Why a communist government, uncontrolled power in charge, when the individual is no of use, he becomes a throw-away? Nations under Marxist control, dispose of millions of people. There is always the favored, those who are happy to exist on other people’s energy, even if it is only a poverty existence. The Tea Party is here to see that this does not happen. It is a matter of will. Do we have the will to keep America free?