In America, you are innocent until proven guilty. It goes back to English common law. It is fundamental to America’s law only in theory, not in practice. “For the good of all” and the majority vote overrides fundamental law in today’s American courts. We are witness to the results, for instance, in Wisconsin where judges are remaking the law, of course “for the good of all.”
For instance, if the IRS says you owe federal income tax, you are judged guilty until you prove yourself innocent in a court of law. If you exist by the fruits of your own labor and the IRS says you owe $500 in federal income tax you have no choice but to pay it. The cost of taking your case to court would far exceed the $500 the IRS says you owe. No judge would award you the $10,000 in legal costs to prove that you did not owe the $500 in tax. If judges ruled that government paid all the costs of proving you did not owe the tax, the IRS would not make so many mistakes. It is “for the good of all” that you pay a tax you don’t owe, but obviously not good for you. Let’s think about that. It is unconstitutional.
“For the good of all,” in the judgment of Nazi courts of law, German Jews were exterminated. Chairman Mao, “for the good of all,” believed that China could afford to kill millions of Chinese. It was “for the good of all” that the Founding Fathers allowed white people to own black slaves. The Taney Court found that the escaped slave Dred Scott was owned, the same as a mule or a cow. Scott was returned to his master. The decision sparked the Civil War. “For the good of all,” federal income tax can put a worker on the street. Government entitlement overrides the right to exist on the fruits of one’s own labor. America’s courts refer to the policy as a “preferred freedom.” “For the good of all,” you see, might makes right, which brings me to Jesus, who said, Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Because I believe in Jesus, might makes right does not apply to me. The IRS called me a “Fifth Amendment freak.” Why? I believed what the Constitution said. Strangely, no judge backed me. The IRS ignored court orders—lawlessly confiscated my property. The United States had been issuing reports to the press of what happens to tax protesters. They go to jail. I possessed irrefutable proof that the United States of America was lawless. The United States didn’t think about this. I went public with my court record. Our keepers of the law could not deny it. The IRS was forced to eat crow but nobody went to jail, “for the good of all.” But for believing in the Constitution—actually believing in myself—I’ve been empowered. If you don’t believe me, you don’t believe Jesus, who said, Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
There is magic in the Constitution. Mysteriously, after I studied the Constitution, I felt a bigger than life calling, challenged the IRS—and beat them. Naturally, I felt empowered.
America became that greatest nation in history, and now, since watering down our basic law, we’re going bankrupt morally, spiritually, and fiscally.
Why was I picked? The universe is nothing like people think. Without consciousness, nothing could exist. It has been proven in lab experiments. We humans have the ability of making nature serve us, in fact to the extent that we’ve placed the material things we’ve created ahead of our reason for being.
We are here with increasing purpose, but currently witness to the world we know going down the tube.
Jesus’ prophecy is coming true. We are leaving the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions—entering the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer.
The Tea Party wants constitutional government. The Constitution supports self government, which means personal responsibility and self-reliance. It means government is one’s servant, not one’s master. It means the individual is not government entitled to anything. But it is foolish to believe government would ever give the individual back his personal responsibility and self-reliance, no matter who is elected.
Why are so many Americans of the mindset that they could not make it on their own? They are good people—good citizens—and don’t make waves. They do their thing and don’t complain. Then there are the wolves in sheep’s clothing Jesus referred to, the “false prophets,” the “raving wolves.”
We’re reminded that Jesus said to his disciples that before the cock crowed they would deny him three times. Jesus came at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. The characteristics of Pisces: extremely responsive to others thoughts and feelings; unconsciously absorb the vogue; desperate to do the right thing; lacking in willpower; influenced by external factors; duality of emotions. Jesus, who had ideas of his own, was crucified. Fits like a hand in a glove.
We are now at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. The characteristics of Aquarius: determined and stubborn; annoyed by people who disagree; hate hypocrisy; operate as equals among equals; independent and self-reliant.
The Age of Pisces has for its symbol two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. Pisceans need to stand alone. The Age of Aquarius has for its symbol the water-bearer. We are entering an age of brotherhood and fraternity. The water-bearer spills out spiritual energy.
Mysteriously, these astrological findings came long ago. I’m Aquarius rising. In The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising, Jean Avery said, “He becomes the water-bearer by walking to the beat of a different drummer. He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries.”
Jean Avery says “the planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States. Freedom of speech and opportunity was the cornerstone of the Constitution.” The planet Uranus is on the ascendant of my chart. When Uranus had transited on my chart to a position opposed to itself, in my forties, that’s when I had my bigger than life calling. That’s when my life drastically changed—and for the better.
I departed my old life in Texas on Good Friday, 1975, the day Jesus was hung from a cross. Sunday, the first day of my new life, was spent in Miami, Florida. My first date with the love of my life was on May 18, 1980. We hiked in the mountains near Mt. St. Helens, the day she erupted, symbolizing after the calamity hope and renewal.
Summarizing: born with Aquarius on the rise, believing in the Constitution and my God-given rights; departing on Good Friday, 1975 to make a new life; near Mt. St. Helens with my future wife on the day she erupted; we are entering the Age of Aquarius.
In my chart, Saturn is trine Pluto, the very best of alignments. By the way, in the month and year that Barack Obama was elected president, November 2008, Saturn was square Pluto, the very worst of alignments. This trine gives me the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. We are currently witnessing what Obama’s alignment gave us.
My alignment gives me the ability to dig quantum physics. “It has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation.” Quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker.
We now have proof that objective reality, as it has been conceived, is not reality at all. The observer interacts with matter. Conscious awareness defines the observer. There is no limit. Where is your mind? There are immutable laws of motion and other laws that come from the state of consciousness and human will. You exist in a state of mind. To understand the basics of quantum theory is to understand that it all leads to the fact that there has be a superconsciousness of the universe to which we are inextricably attached. We humans, the only life form on the planet with the ability, have the power to receive or block awareness.
With Saturn trine Pluto in my chart, I’ve been able to make fundamental changes in my life and others lives. After I studied the Constitution and had my bigger than life calling, I got on my path of destiny—learned our karmic mission. Through the cycles of our lives we learn and share a love for all. We can have reason to doubt, but the doubting Thomases are about to be left in a cloud of dust. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.