Recent College Grads Sour On Obama!

This article and/or blog post reveals how some of our youth have caught on to this President and his minion’s deplorable transformation agenda-You Decide:

Posted on The Daily Caller-By Neil Munro-On May 20, 2011:

“A very large proportion of recent university graduates have soured on President Barack Obama, and many will vote GOP or stay at home in the 2012 election, according to two new surveys of younger voters.

“These rock-solid Obama constituents are free-agents,” said Kellyanne Conway, president of The Polling Company, based in Washington, D.C. She recently completed a large survey of college grads, and “they’re shopping around, considering their options, [and] a fair number will stay at home and sit it out,” she said.

The scope of this disengagement from Obama is suggested by an informal survey of 500 post-grads by Joe Maddalone, founder of Maddalone Global Strategies. Of his sample, 93 percent are aged between 22 and 28, 67 percent are male and 83 percent voted for Obama in 2008. But only 27 percent are committed to voting for Obama again, and 80 percent said they would consider voting for a Republican, said New York-based Maddalone.

That’s a drop of almost 60 points in support for Obama among this influential class of younger post-grad voters, who Maddalone recruited at conferences held at New York University and Thomson-Reuters’ New York headquarters.

The bad news for Obama was underlined May 19 with a report by a job-firm Adecco that roughly 60 percent of recent college-grads have not been able to find a full-time job in their preferred area. One-in-five graduates have taken jobs far from their training, one-in-six are dependent on their parents, and one-in-four say they’re in debt, according to the firm’s data.

(Read: AARP Latest to Receive Obamacare Break…)

Overall, roughly one-third of young voters have some college education, and one-half have college degrees, said Conway. Many are underemployed or unemployed, they’re worried about their debts and economic trends, and they’re worried about the value of their educations, she said. In 2012, she said, “I suspect a fair number will return to Obama, but maybe not enough, and not in the [swing] states where he needs them,” she said.

Those states include Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Indiana, Virginia and Iowa, she said. All were won by Obama in 2008, and all were lost in state-wide elections to GOP candidates in 2010, she said.

The GOP is making some progress towards earning their votes, Maddalone said.

For example, 38 percent of his respondents said the GOP is “doing a good job addressing and engaging with young professionals,” and 58 percent said they would consider voting for the GOP “if you felt that Republicans were doing a good job addressing and engaging with young professionals.”

Only one-in-six of his respondents voted for the GOP presidential candidate in 2008, and 80 percent of those said they would vote GOP again, said Maddalone.

(Read: Palin on 2012: ‘I Do Have the Fire in my Belly’…)

“People have had time to reflect on how they voted in 2008, and now they’re thinking about whether they have a job or like their job,” said Maddalone.

As their trust in the federal government shrinks, they’re becoming more self-reliant, as their attitude shifts from “‘yes, we can,’ to ‘yes, I can,’” he said.

This shift, he said, “is not really being discussed.”


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this issue-You Decide:

High Tech High Students Expose Flaws in Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate- Posted on San Diego Reader-By Walter Mencken-On May 11, 2011:

LSU Student Decides Against Burning Flag as Thousands Stage Counter Demonstration-Posted on Marla Friedman-On May 11, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Does Our President Hate America?

American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!

Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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  • Our College Graduates have finally seen the light with regard to the evils of socialism.  President Obama is a puppet President who is acting out the wishes of the power behind the scene.  They bought him lock stock and barrel and poured enough money into the Presidential campaign to make sure enough of the voter were fooled into voting for their guy.  Not voting is exactly what these power brokers want the population to do.  Vote your conscience but vote!  If you cannot vote your conscience vote your instincts, but vote.  Voting is crucial to survival of our Republic otherwise you may lose it.
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