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  • Charles, could you sent me any information on that? A link to a news article would be great. We need to spread the word!

  • Have you folks heard about the muslim Texaco service station in bogalusa LA right at the mississippi state line dening service to a member of the United states Army who was in uniform who tried to buy gas with a statement "we dont serve people like you in our store"Well they have a herd of protesters around the place now protesting the muslims who own the station.

  • Does anyone know Romney's take on L.O.S.T.?

    ex animo


  • POST, BLOG, TWEET, WRITE, E, SEND, COPY, FORWARD, FACEBOOK, AND ANY SOCIAL MEDIA WAY TO GET THE TRUTH OUT THERE. THIS IS THE ONLY HOPE AMERICA HAS SO USE IT EVERYDAY, IN EVERYWAY. Tea Party type groups range from the Armed Forces Tea Party to Americans for Prosperity and we are in many other countries and there is one that is world wide. God save America and pray for Romney.

  • Anybody that is not on board yet, has not only got their head in the sand, it has taken root.

  • Yes, great idea.

    Another way of doing this is to create a one page easy to read hand out, with a graphic that grabs attention and state what obama has taken away from us ( make it about 4 main easy to understand points) Include links to info about issue and then say something like "if you want your freedom back join your local Tea Party group ( with contact information). Post it every legal place or you can go to grocery store or other busy places and hand it out to people, etc.

  • The Tea Party's political strength after the election is the new revolutionary weapon of we the people. Join a Tea Party today.

    Yes, for the first time in history, the Tea Party can give everyone a voice. Allow all to speak and all to be accurately heard.  When we do this, our political prowess will grow far greater and faster than our actual growth. In fact, our biggest challenge will be how to effectively manage this vast political strength to set our Constitutional Republic back on the right track.

    As I have also stated: the real revolution begins after the election.  With the Tea Party's growing political strength,  our elected officials will now see their political future lies not with special interests funding but with their own local Tea Party network.  


    ex animo


  • I speak most every day that we must join together to take back our Nation.  No better organization than the Folks representing the Tea Party.  To have ONE voice, representing the Values and Principles of what Our Nation and Constitution mean to Our generation and Future generations.  NO 3rd Party, but just a 1 for All, and ALL for 1 to vote and Rid our Country of this Usurper POTUS that is taking Our Country down the Path of Destruction !  I have Admired my Representatives, Sen. Jim DeMint, and Rep Trey Gowdy for Standing on these Principles.  We Must Not Fail !          Semper Fidelis

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