Nice going guys and dolls. The Tea Party now ties Obama. Now that Republicans have won control of the House, the idea is being put out that Obama can ignore Congress and rule by executive order. That brought a guffaw out of me. Here are some items that are not being discussed.
For a century, the American people have been reeducated to depend on government, like it or not. Through federal income tax, which began taxing only the richest of the rich, grew to tax all income producers—to become a Ponzi scheme—to fraudulently separate workers from their resources for redistribution. Federal income tax has as its basis control. The illusion behind government control that responsible leaders know better than the individual what is good for all totally misses the point. We are individuals, not parts of a hive.
Leftist politicians are putting out hogwash. There is no difference in a greedy self-serving capitalist and a greedy self-serving politician, except for the fact that the capitalist doesn’t make the law and see that it is enforced; leftist politicians do. History gives us not one example of a “responsible leader” in control being beneficial to society. In fact, history gives us multiple examples of free enterprise bringing great benefits to society. A thousand years back, while Europe was under the tyranny of the Holy Roman Catholic Empire, China was enjoying free enterprise and prosperity. What comes around goes around.
The creator of all things, in creating man, made him capable of being more consciously aware than any other life form on the planet, but like all life, conscious of self-survival. Self-survival is innate. It doesn’t reason; it is animal. Man reasons for his survival. We are the dominant life form. Uncontrolled power turns man into an animal, and those who follow jumping through hoops—for one example, Hitler and Nazi Germany, for another, America’s current leftist leadership and following.
Great men, like big fish feeding on little fish, feed their egos on little people. Knowing this about the nature of man, America’s Founding Fathers held that the Creator made all men equal, and with God-given rights that could not be taken without the permission of the holder of said rights. Individuals have a right to their bodies. If they don’t choose to be patted down before flying, the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment says they don’t have to give a government agent permission to grope them. But might makes right. “The law” says you get fined $11,000 for not giving permission.
The Constitution was written to avoid this we now experience. But, alas, the writers of the Constitution, in order to form a more secure union of states, felt that they had to allow the South to own slaves, exactly the principle behind the current federal pat down. It’s an expedience for a more worthy case, like owning slaves. Take your choice: Be a slave or refuse to be patted down and face the consequences. The Obama Administration is testing you. Surely, we are smart enough to outfox Obama. The guy is in La La Land. Off the top of my head, I can think of half a dozen ways to embarrass Obama. There is strength in numbers and we’ve got the numbers to beat Obama.
President Obama says our Constitution is flawed. He is clearly a one-world socialist. He and his kind have a vision of a better world, and wouldn’t you know, by putting themselves in control.
How do you deal with empowered egomaniacs? The thing we must understand about freedom is that it is God-given. I refer you to what Jesus said, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. . .But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” The kingdom of God is to be distinguished from the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of God is universal—not in a place. Heaven is the time-space universe; everything has its place. Consciousness is not in a place, but essential. Nothing would exist without it. We each exist in a state of consciousness, as limited by us. God doesn’t limit us. Speaking for myself, I chose the God-state over the time-space consortium that limited men see a long time ago.
I’ve been tweaking authority’s nose ever since I found God. I win. Authority loses. Glenn Beck, formerly an alcoholic loser, found God and he is running rings around Obama. Beck is winning minds; Obama attempts to force us to submit to his B.S., and isn’t doing too well.
Listen to me and Beck. I submit that my life is far better than those depending on Obama. If we would only realize the power we individually possess, executive power or whatever, Obama and company would not have the chance of a snowball in hell.