
The meaning of the midterm election remains unknown by America’s left. I expected as much. I’ll herein explain it to them.

Free enterprise is a means of distribution of the nation’s wealth, as is socialism. Free enterprise has proven over and over to create prosperity. Obviously, prosperity is not the goal of socialists. Free enterprise relies on innovation and resourcefulness. So, what is the goal of America’s socialists? Government dependence is their goal, the idea that the powers that be are more intelligent than average folks, without a scintilla of evidence. It boils down to the power of the individual verses the power of the mighty. We’re dealing with the mindless.

Power is mindless. The American people’s Constitution makes for a balance of power. It is self-evident that humans are created with minds that give us the ability to cope. This is implied by the Declaration of Independence. Power is animal. An excess of power is against human nature. Humans, advanced animals with understanding, born for justice, “right” is not the arbitrary construction of opinion, but an institution of nature. What does that make the “right” to health care? The “right” to health care is a power grab. We are no more entitled to that right than a right to a haircut. Why do you think our health care is so costly? It flies in the face of free enterprise. Someone other than the breadwinner pays the bill. We pay for health care in one way or another, and most likely with the loss of all rights; we become slaves of the powerful. The intelligentsia can talk itself to death and make no sense.

Since America is moving rapidly toward the complete loss of individual “rights,” the goal of socialists: control, what we need to do now is to exchange the income tax for a tax on spending, exempting the essentials: basic needs—a standard existence. The logic of it: If one spends on goods and services, he is taxed; if he saves and invests, he is helping building a robust economy; he is not taxed. It is the diametric opposite of what we are being taught by the intelligentsia; that is, the “higher educated,” those with visions of grandeur for themselves. They take away from innovation and resourcefulness, encourage dependence—actually, a shameful way to think.

A tax on income coupled with redistribution, all the work of the nattering nabob intelligentsia, opposing free enterprise—taking away human values and replacing them with animal power. The proof is in the pudding. Observe who votes for nattering nabobs like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

What a change! The original American came here to get out from under the control of the intelligentsia. After early Americans arrived in a wilderness, because they believed in freedom and opportunity, and under the free enterprise system built the greatest nation on earth, wouldn’t you know, came the nabobs. Where there is money and power, you can depend on their presence.

The intelligentsia despises American values. They want to change it back to their way. They are in positions to teach the impressionable young. It is time for them and their following to know it isn’t going to happen. Interestingly, nabob Obama is going to India to give those people the benefit of his charm. I guess he doesn’t know Indian philosophy. They got rid of the nabobs.

Harvard educated, so typical for Harvard, Obama, going about the world telling everyone how backward we Americans are, bowing and scraping before royalty in the Mid-East, with his nose up, speaking in platitudes, giving other peoples the idea of how intelligent he is, what do you expect from a nabob educated hippie? Have you noticed the way he walks? He’s a clod hopper, totally out-classed by those in the know. The least qualified president we’ve ever had, Obama, the nabob, is an absolute disgrace to his black heritage. Three thousand people in his entourage; forty aircraft from the richest nation on earth descending on India, we’re paying $200 million a day for nattering nabob representation in India, of all places, that ought to go over like a lead balloon. I agree with the leaders we’ve just elected. The American people have spoken. Get rid of Obama!

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  • Hey Joseph but he has made so much history, I could go on and on of the history he has made, and don't forget Nancy's amazing abilities, I mean look at what her great leadership has done, It had nothing to do with the fact all three branches of government were controlled by her own party. No I think if we leave out the history making events of the last two yrs, we are missing the boat, my God man our children's children will speak of these history making events for eon's. I can hear it now Obama Obama Obama
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