I’m a World War II veteran. I’m still fighting for the principles and values I hold dear. A Tea Party member informed me that I misquoted the Bible and that I’m generally confused. One of us is confused. You be the judge.
I look within for my answers. My answers are based on what I perceive, intuitively. Authorities conceive all manner of things, and I observe, mostly for their express benefit. I don’t believe in objective reality. From my experience, it is 100 percent subjective reality. To be successful, I find, one has to listen to his own intellect. Since I started doing this, I’ve been served very well. I think that to tell people they are confused, and misquoting the Bible, could mean they are confused.
I’m not religious. I don’t trust religion. We read in The 5000 Year Leap of 28 principles of freedom our Founding Fathers said “must be understood and perpetrated by every people who desire peace, prosperity, freedom.” The 4th Principle: “Without Religion the Government of a Free People Cannot be Maintained. . . Religion, which might be defined as a fundamental system of beliefs concerning man’s origin and relationship to the cosmic universe, as well as his relationship to his fellowmen . . . a standard of behavior distinguishing right from wrong . . .an intellectual awareness and understanding of human experience or inquiry.” The above doesn’t describe religion.
My intuition tells me that America’s government is out of control and religion is the greatest cause of misdirection. Ever since Abraham’s religion, we’ve suffered holy wars. If the above definition of religion is true, we don’t have religion; we have man’s invention of the supernatural, wherein God is on the side of the winner of bloody wars that kill millions, and leave in their wake the destruction of what man has labored hard to built, leaving us to start over, only to do the same again. My intuition tells me this could not be God’s intention.
God’s laws don’t call for passing on to future generations the sins of the present generation. Astronomical debt passed on to future generations a terrible thing to do, my intuition tells me. We have no sense of justice or right or wrong. Why do people listen to deceptive, self-serving politicians? Why do they ignore what those frauds are doing to us? They mindlessly expect their liberties to be automatic. Jesus told us of a way of life that leads to peace, prosperity, and freedom. For telling us, Jesus was in defiance of religious and secular authority. His friends would not come to his defense. Jesus was crucified.
Why are you and I held at fault for Jesus’ crucifixion? We are born in sin, because the first man and woman disobeyed God’s orders. To be forgiven and receive God’s grace, we must confess our sins—like we did when we owned slaves. How could we be so audacious and call ourselves religion? We know the truth now. We rationalized that black slaves were not capable of the freedoms whites enjoy. My intuition tells me to look within for my answers. It has worked to empower me. I read the Bible with that thought in mind. I don’t find a conflict. Is that a misinterpretation? I welcome all comments. Keep in mind that the Muslims, those who declared war on America, believe that Americans don’t deserve to live. They get their misguided notions from the interpretations of their authorities, like Osama bin Laden. History proves that Jesus’ message is the only message that works.
Today’s Americans have been steered far from the principles set forth in the Constitution. I read the Constitution and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. Why not everyone. I never learned to obey without question. It is hard for me to image Elizabeth Smart remaining under the control of a crazy man, who raped her every day for years. She didn’t have to remain. She was mesmerized. These kinds of things happen because we are taught to obey authority without question. I didn’t obey the IRS. The IRS ended eating crow.
I’m the bane of authority. I was born to question. Were we not all? Would we have the present government had we questioned Woodrow Wilson, who was an advocate of big, powerful government and zero individual rights. We must have been mindless to have allowed Wilson, then Roosevelt, and now Obama to transform America into a totalitarian dictatorship. Obama gave rise to the Tea Party. I’m sure he didn’t expect this.
Science is just now beginning separate the mind from the brain. Unity in nature, all things being aspects of the mind, we are now beginning to see the energy that drives our struggling souls. A universe that is not conscious of itself cannot have order. How could we be here, were there not order in the universe? A material world without the universes consciousness could not be. Providence created America. It isn’t a place. It is as state of mind.
After I read the Constitution and took action against a government gone bonkers, an amazing thing happened. When everything should have gone wrong, everything started going right. There had to be a reason. It has taken me years to find it. I found it in the Bible, in The Gospel According to St. Matthew, in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
All of my dreams have come true. Am I generally confused? You be the judge. Have I misquoted the Bible?