By John W. Lillpop

The so-called “underwear bomber’ shocked the courtroom in day two of his trial by changing his plea to guilty for all eight charges facing the brainwashed terrorist.

By the way, SURPRISE, SURPRISE, the young man is a Muslim and proud to be a soldier in Allah's war which seeks to kill all Americans and Jews.

In a telling moment, the young Islamaofascist confessed to what all open-minded people have known for a long time:

The Koran instructs Muslims to wage Jihad against ‘infidels.’

As reported at the reference:

DETROIT - A Nigerian man said Wednesday he tried to bring down an international flight over Detroit with a bomb in his underwear in retaliation for the killing of Muslims worldwide, taking a federal court by surprise as he pleaded guilty on the second day of his trial.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who had never denied the accusations against him, calmly answered questions from U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds before pleading guilty to all eight charges he faced, including conspiracy to commit terrorism and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.

He then told the court that the underwear bomb was a "blessed weapon to save the lives of innocent Muslims."
"The United States should be warned that if they continue to persist and promote the blasphemy of Mohammed and the prophets ... the United States should await a great calamity that will befall them through the hands of the mujahedeen soon," said Abdulmutallab, who faces a mandatory sentence of life in prison.

"If you laugh with us now we will laugh with you later on the day of judgment," he said.”

Once again, the myth of Islam as a “religion of peace” is debunked, directly from the mouth of a mass murderer wanna be.

When will the PC-left recognize and accept the truth about Muslim killers disguised in Sheep’s clothing?

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