Last night, I said to my wife, Karen, “I’m burned out. There is nothing but bad news.” She agreed. This Monday morning, May 2, 2011, I turned on my computer and the headlines read, “Osama Bin Laden Killed.” On President Obama’s orders, U. S. troops raided Osama’s compound, killed him, and took custody of his body. The man responsible for thousands of senseless American deaths is gone for good. Justice has been served, but there is much more to do to bring peace to the world. “Render to Caesar the Things that are Caesar’s” (Mk 12:17), “and to God the things that are God’s,” Jesus’ advice applies today as much as it did in Caesar’s time.
Osama bin Laden was first against the United States; later against the American people for agreeing to finance this “Great Satin.” This blog comes to you as a result of my questioning U.S. federal income tax. I maintain it is unconstitutional, in fact, lawless and against the will of God. If the American people had known the law, and held their Constitution sacred, the United States would have remained the envy of the world and Osama bin Laden would have been just another Muslim. There never would have be a war against Islam’s terrorists. The American people have been led down a garden path to their jumping off place, and unprepared. America’s leaders, who think they have better answers for us, have divided America for their good and the American peoples’ harm.
The question to Jesus was: Shall we give or shall we not give to Caesar? I went to the county law library for my answer. While I read U. S. constitutional law, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling, a calling that changed my direction.
My life was over. My calling came at a time when my business enterprise of 25 years was on the rocks, thanks to misdirected government; also at a time when my second wife was divorcing me. With my strength coming from within, I cut my umbilical cord with my past and departed in search of a new and better life. Once strictly on my own, I discovered who I really was and my life began to improve.
So much for the establishment. We appreciate all the great things you’ve said about American values, President Obama—giving yourself credit by ordering Obama’s death—but you are misdirected, sir. Your plan for America is a loser. We are not here to work toward sharing and sharing alike. We are not of hive insect mentality. Jesus was not for what you say—collective salvation. Hope in what you want will end in despair. Jesus was for individual salvation. I know because I’m for Jesus’ way. My life is good.
We find that the universe has other than your ideas for us, President Obama. How do I know? When I departed in 1975, Jesus of no influence at all, by coincidence on Good Friday, the day Jesus was hung from a cross, I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. This was an omen of things to come. Twenty-five years after my departure, with nothing better to do with my time, I was retired, I decided to write my memoirs.
One morning, first thing, I wrote on a yellow pad, the same as now, my thoughts. By typing my writings into my word processor, enabling me to move thoughts around and create a flow, groups of thoughts connecting with other groups, it has been like putting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together to form a picture.
Shortly after my departure, by chance I ran into a professional astrologer and had him create my astrological chart. It didn’t fit. Of course it didn’t fit. I had been living by the establishment’s rules. I had not been living the life I was intended to live. My astrological chart now fits like a hand in a glove. For you astrologers, I was born on September 17, 1925 in Houston, Texas at 4:51 P.M. I’m Virgo with Aquarius rising.
In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that Pisces people are easily influenced and usually weak willed. They are impressed by external factors. The Pisces emblem is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.
Jesus arrived at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, his birth heralded by Persian astrologers. The three wise men were Persian astrologers, led to Jesus’ place of birth by the Star of Bethlehem.
Astrologers say that Aquarius rising can be someone with insight of the future. The emblem of Aquarius is the water-bearer. Astrologer’s Handbook says Aquarians are stubborn in their beliefs; they dislike hypocrisy in any form; and that they operate as equals among equals.
Take note, President Obama, that we are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius, astrologers say, an age of brotherhood and fraternity. I submit to you, President Obama, that, rather than for the good of all and naught for the individual, we are entering an age when the individual knows the power that lies within and shares with his brothers.
In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, we read in Chapter 6, “Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven . . .No man can serve two masters. . .But seek ye first the kingdom of God. . .” Jesus makes a distinction. Earth and heaven are places. The kingdom of God is a state of mind. Once I looked within for my answers, I got the right answers.
The cutting edge of science clarifies Jesus’ message. Earth and heaven are governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. With the advent of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in creation. The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown that objective reality, as it has been conceived by the authorities, is not the true fabric of reality. We humans have the ability to perceive. The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.
By reading this blog, and all the other 54 of my blogs at, you will expand your awareness considerably, as well as your insight into our future. We are presently at the threshold of a quantum leap, the next stage of human evolvement. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.