Well those Republicans sure came off looking good and sounding good too. It does not matter at all that the nation is on the very edge of a fiscal cliff and drastic measures are needed NOW. [not is a year , but now]
Mitt Romney had lots of folks say how sweet and nice and kind he is and I am sure he is the nice guy that they say he is. [ not a doubt in my mind] a real price of a guy.
However when you are going to war who do you want leading you ?
George Patton , or a nice guy [General Georg Patton was not said to be a nice guy] but he won battles
He also do not die for your Country make the other SOB die for his!
Well let us hope that Mitt Romney has the same metal in his back bone that George Patton had in his!
The tree of liberty [FREEDOM} requires that it be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots form time to time , let us hope that we can step up to this task.
Well James let me see.Do we want the closet muslim another 4 years and his sneak attack to allow Sharia law into this land or do we have faith in the man that has shown he is a true leader. I know what line I am going to be standing in.Sure he lacks military experience but with the right people he will prove our resolve with the tyrants of the world.He will lead from the front not from behind as we have seen over the last 4 years.