I said it once and will say it again, the republican party is dead. We do not have any leader that has the guts to say this is. The speaker caved on a horrible agreement on 2011 budget and has already caved on increeasing the national debit. He will also cave for the 2012 budget because the republicans are affraid to be called bad people, that they do not care and will hurt seniors. THe republican party to take a stand and take it to the american public and say, obama you have only what the debit limit is now and you can spend it on whatever you want, and let the democrats decide what they spend it on. This would set the stage for real changes.
It was today that the imf, c ame out and stated that the usa is not being serious about the debit that they are allowing to increase and it is necessary now to make serious reductions to prevent a down grade of our debit and bankruptcy. China has told us the samething last year, and they have been getting rid of dollars because they see what is happening. The congress is not doing their job, the senate is not doing their job and the president only knows one thing and that to spend and buy votes. He stated to day that the millionaires and billionaires should be willing to pay more. How about his ceo friend from general electic that paid no corpoate taxes and got a multi billion dollar tax refvund from the government after making billions in profit.
I have stated before boehner needs to go and the american people are a point of saying neither party respents us anymore and will go to a third party and the past they did not have a chance but i think today is a different story. The usa does not have a funding problem but rather a spending problem and until spending is stopped not will happen.
Others have told me to be patient and look at the big picture and wait until 2012, but i think after the republicans we sent to congress in 2011 has do nothing really serious about spending the people will send a message by voting for people running on the independent ticket. I have been a republican for 57 years, however, today when i re register as a independent i will not longer support republicans or democrats because i am fed up.